// This file contains some examples of string manipulation // // some common string operations: // output << str; insert str onto output stream // input >> str; extract str from input stream (one token) // getline(input, str) read into str one line from input // str.empty() is str empty? // str.size() how many characters in str? // str[index] reference to character at given index // str1 + str2 result of adding two strings (a new string) // ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= relational operators to compare two strings // istringstream input(str) make an input stream from the given string // str.substr(index, n) string of n characters starting at index // str.substr(index) string of characters starting at index // str.find(str2) first occurrence of str2 in str or -1 // str.rfind(str2) last occurrence of str2 in str or -1 #include #include #include using namespace std; // takes a string of the form "last name, first name" and returns a string in // the form "first name last name" string rearrange(const string & text) { int index = text.find(", "); return text.substr(index + 2) + " " + text.substr(0, index); } // returns the result of collapsing whitespace in a string so that tokens are // separated by single spaces string fix(const string & s) { istringstream input(s); string result; string word; if (input >> word) { result = word; while (input >> word) { result += " " + word; } } return result; } // pre : 0 <= n < 256 // post: returns an 8-character string with the binary representation of n string binary_8(int n) { string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { result = static_cast('0' + n % 2) + result; n /= 2; } return result; } // pre : bits contains a sequence of bits (the characters 0 and 1) // post: returns the integer equivalent of the binary representation int from_binary(const string & bits) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bits.size(); i++) { result = result * 2 + bits[i] - '0'; } return result; } int main() { // examples of string construction string s1 = "hello"; // copies the C-style string into s1 string s2 = s1; // s2 is an independent copy of s1 string s3(20, '*'); // s3 is set to 20 occurrences of '*' string s4; // s4 is set to an empty string cout << s1 << endl; cout << s2 << endl; cout << s3 << endl; cout << s4 << endl << endl; string name = "Reges, Stuart T."; string name2 = rearrange(name); cout << name << " => '" << name2 << "'" << endl << endl; // example of setting every other character to an asterisk for (int i = 0; i < name2.size(); i += 2) { name2[i] = '*'; } cout << "changed name = " << name2 << endl << endl; string line; cout << "line to fix: "; getline(cin, line); string fixed = fix(line); cout << "fixed line is '" << fixed << "'" << endl; string bits = binary_8(209); cout << bits << endl; cout << from_binary(bits) << endl; return 0; }