// procedural programming: input, process, output // // flow task what to use // ----------------------------------------------- // out initialize reference parameter // in/out modify reference parameter // in utilize value parameter // none local detail local variable #include using namespace std; // This method introduces the program to the user and gets initial balance void init(double & balance); // This function processes a series of transactions to update the balance void update(double & balance); // This function reports the final balance void report(double balance); int main() { double money; init(money); update(money); report(money); } void init(double & balance) { cout << "This program allows you to perform a series of" << endl; cout << "transactions for a bank account" << endl << endl; cout << "beginning balance? "; cin >> balance; cout << endl; } void update(double & balance) { cout << "how many transactions? "; int count; cin >> count; for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { cout << " transaction #" << i << "? "; double amount; cin >> amount; balance += amount; cout << " balance now = $" << balance << endl; } cout << endl; } void report(double balance) { cout << "final balance = $" << balance << endl; }