CSE390C Sample Final, Spring 2022 handout #7
1. Inheritance Mystery (15 points). Assuming that the following classes have
been defined:
class foo {
virtual void f1() {
cout << "foo 1" << endl;
void f2() {
cout << "foo 2" << endl;
void f3() {
cout << "foo 3" << endl;
class bar : public foo {
virtual void f2() {
cout << "bar 2" << endl;
void f3() {
cout << "bar 3" << endl;
class baz : public foo {
void f1() {
cout << "baz 1" << endl;
virtual void f2() {
cout << "baz 2" << endl;
void f3() {
cout << "baz 3" << endl;
class mumble : public baz {
void f1() {
cout << "mumble 1" << endl;
void f2() {
cout << "mumble 2" << endl;
And assuming the following variables have been defined:
foo * var1 = new mumble();
baz * var2 = new mumble();
foo * var3 = new bar();
foo * var4 = new baz();
baz * var5 = new baz();
In the table below, indicate in the right-hand column the output produced by
the statement in the left-hand column.
Statement Output
var1->f1(); ____________________________
var2->f1(); ____________________________
var3->f1(); ____________________________
var4->f1(); ____________________________
var5->f1(); ____________________________
var1->f2(); ____________________________
var2->f2(); ____________________________
var3->f2(); ____________________________
var4->f2(); ____________________________
var5->f2(); ____________________________
var1->f3(); ____________________________
var2->f3(); ____________________________
var3->f3(); ____________________________
var4->f3(); ____________________________
var5->f3(); ____________________________
2. Class definition (25 points). Write a version of the point class for
storing two ints called x and y where the ints are heap-allocated by calling
new. Your class should have the following member functions:
point(x, y) construct a point from values x and y (default 0)
point(other_p) construct a point from another point
get_x() returns x value
get_y() returns y value
set_location(x, y) changes the x/y location to new ints x/y
Your class should have a destructor and should override the assignment
operator. You must write your class in such a way that all memory allocated
by your point objects is freed up by calls on delete. You may assume that
this class is not part of an inheritance hierarchy.
3. STL Programming (10 points). Write a function called remove_3s that takes a
set of int values as a parameter and that removes all multiples of 3 from
the set. For example, if a set s contains these values:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
and you make the call:
Then s should store these values after the function call:
[1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11]
4. STL Programming (15 points). Write a function called string_indexes that
takes a vector of string values as a parameter and that returns a map whose
keys are the strings from the list and whose values are sets containing the
indexes of where those strings appeared in the list. For example, if a
vector called words contains this sequence:
[to, be, or, not, to, be, could, be, a, or, not, be, how, much, wood,
can, a, woodchuck, chuck, if, a, woodchuck, could, chuck, wood]
then the call string_indexes(words) should return a map with the following
(a, [8, 16, 20]), (be, [1, 5, 7, 11]), (can, [15]), (chuck, [18, 23]),
(could, [6, 22]), (how, [12]), (if, [19]), (much, [13]),
(not, [3, 10]), (or, [2, 9]), (to, [0, 4]), (wood, [14, 24]),
(woodchuck, [17, 21])
5. STL Programming (10 points). Write a function called sort_reverse that
takes a vector of int values as a parameter and that sorts the first half of
the vector and that reverses the order of the second half of the vector. If
the vector has an odd length, then include the middle element in the first
half that is to be sorted. For example, if a vector v contains:
[3, 8, 4, 5, 12, 17, 2, 8, 5, 19, 27, 13, 6]
| | | |
+-------------------+ +-----------------+
first half second half
and you make the call:
Then after the call v should contain this sequence:
[2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 17, 6, 13, 27, 19, 5, 8]
| | | |
+------------------+ +-----------------+
sorted reversed
Notice that the value 2 that was in the middle of the vector of 13 values
was included in the group of values that was put into sorted order and not
the group of values that was reversed.
6. Inheritance (20 points) Write a base class called sequence that can be used
to manipulate a sequence of integers and a derived class called sum that
extends the base class to implement a summation. The idea is that we might
want to keep track of different kinds of sequences that can be reduced to a
single int with different operations. For example, if the sequence stores:
[8, 42, 30, 74, 98]
A sum object would add up these values:
8 + 42 + 30 + 74 + 98
Other kinds of classes could be defined. For example, we might define a
product class that multiplies the values.
The sequence class should have the following public member functions:
sequence(empty) constructs an empty sequence with given empty value to
return if reduce is called on the empty sequence
add(value) appends this value to the end of the sequence
f(a, b) abstract function for reducing two ints to one
reduce() result of applying f to reduce the sequence to a
single int
The various subclasses should provide a value to use for an empty reduce
call and should define function f. For the sum class, it should indicate
that 0 is the appropriate value to return for an empty reduce and the
function f should be addition.
The reduce operation should be performed left-to-right. For example, if a
sequence stores:
[3, 8, 19, 42, 207]
then reduce should compute its answer as:
f(f(f(f(3, 8), 19), 42), 207)
For example, given the following client code:
sequence * s = new sum();
cout << s->reduce() << endl;
delete s;
we would expect it to print that the result is 58. Your class should be
designed so that it does not introduce any memory leaks.
7. Short answer (5 points). Consider the following function:
int & mystery(int & x) {
int y = 2 * x + 1;
return y;
C++ will not allow this function to compile. Why not?