Sequential Logic

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So far we've only dealt with what is called combinational logic in circuits. Combinational logic allows us to perform near-instantaneous calculations, but you may have noticed we have not talked at all about keeping track of time in our circuits! This reading introduces you to sequential logic at a very high level, which will allow us to incorporate a notion of time in our computer.

Why do we need sequential logic?

The programs you've written in the past probably had some notion of an order in which lines of code are executed. In order to execute programs in a particular order, our computer needs some notion of time! So far, our circuits do not have a strong notion of time. Take the following circuit for instance:

Circuit diagram representing the boolean function Not((a Or b) And c), starting with an Or gate with inputs a, b, whose output is fed into an And gate that has an additional input of c, whose output is fed into a Not gate, resulting in the output for our function.

Our brains may like to think about this circuit in a sequential manner - we might think that the Or gate functions before the And gate, which functions before the Not gate. In reality, everything in the above circuit happens at nearly the same time! Think of out being linked to a, b, and c by the circuit logic, such that when any input changes, out also changes almost immediately because it is linked to those inputs. In reality, there are very, very slight delays in circuit gates that are important to consider, but given our limited time (no pun intended) we won't worry about those details in this class.

No time for setup

One problem with our circuit above is that since out updates near-instaneously when the inputs change, there is no buffer time that we can use to change the input values. For instance, let's say our values are as follows: a = 0, b = 1, and c = 0. Based on our function above, that would mean that out = 1. Let's say we wanted to change our inputs, such that c = 1 and b = 0. Note that after this change is in place, out should still be 1, but if we change c first, there is a brief point where out = 0! This problem is further exacerbated by the slight delay logic gates that occurs.

We could maybe try to choose which input we change first, but since this relies not only on our circuit but also on the current values, there is no way to specify a general rule for how to do this. And choosing the order we change the inputs still doesn't account for the delay caused by logic gates.

Reusing outputs as inputs

To explore a little more why we need a new notion of time, let's consider some things we might want to do that we can't with only combinational logic. For our example, let's say we wanted to implement the following sequential pseudo-code (for now, assume that x are only one bit each):

// Remember that ~ negates (flips) the bits of its input
x = ~x

We may come up with the following HDL code to represent the first line of the pseudo-code:

Not(in=x, out=x);

Which would result in the following circuit diagram:

Circuit diagram of a Not gate whose output is fed back in as its input.

If our circuits are almost instantaneous, then the above circuit doesn't really make sense! As soon as the output changes (say goes from 0 to 1) the input immediately changes, which immediately changes the output, which immediately changes the input… with the above circuit, we can't complete the Not operation just once because we have no notion of what “once” means! Ideally we'd be able to have x maintain its state until we tell it to change, and change only when we tell it to change.

Representing Time: Clock Signals

The first question we will address is how to physically represent time in hardware. The most common way of doing this is using what we will call a clock signal. A clock signal is a signal that changes its frequency at a set time rate, allowing us to rely on it to keep track of time. For example, a clock signal may alternate between emitting a low signal for 2 nanoseconds and then a high signal for 2 nanoseconds. We can now view each “cycle” (the period of time with both a low and a high signal) as one unit of time in hardware (in this case 4 nanoseconds).

Clock signal alternating between low voltage and high voltage.

Note that by changing how long we emit the low/high signals in our clock signal, we can effectively change how long a unit of time is. We won't dive too deep into the details of how to choose this unit of time. The big takeaway you should focus on is that we represent time with a clock signal that alternates between high and low signals, and that one unit of time (or “cycle”) in our hardware will consist of a period with one low signal and one high signal.

Using Clock Signals: Flip Flops

Now that we have a way to represent time, we need a way of using that representation in our circuits. For this we will introduce a new type of circuit: the data flip flop, or DFF for short. DFFs have three key parts, an input, an output, and a connection to the clock signal. Note how in circuit diagrams we don't explicitly create a wire for the clock signal - instead you'll often see triangles drawn on the edge of the circuit indicating that the circuit is connected to the clock.

Circuit diagram of a DFF with an input, clock connection (represented by a triangle) and an output

For a given time period, the data flip flop captures the value of the input at a predefined part of the clock signal (usually when the signal transitions from low to high). It then uses this value as the output for the DFF until the next point at which it captures the signal. This is a really important abstraction. By choosing to only capture the input at one point within the clock signal, it essentially means that the output can only change once per clock cycle! This abstraction allows us to create circuits that change based on a notion of time.

Now we also have a way of making non-instantaneous changes in our circuits. DFFs delay when changes to the input affect the output. More specifically, the output for a DFF at time t is actually determined by the inputs at time t-1, since the output only changes when transitioning to the next time period.

The Road Ahead

If you're still feeling a little fuzzy about sequential logic, clock signals, and DFFs, that is totally ok and actually expected! This reading was meant to introduce you to these ideas, but we didn't spend much time on them or go over many examples. In lecture, we will spend more time reinforcing these ideas using stronger examples, which will hopefully build on this introduction.

Notice how we also still haven't shown how we can implement the pseudo-code that we showed earlier in the reading:

x = ~x

DFFs allow us to build the hardware to support this pseudo-code, but there are a lot more details that we will need to learn in order to do so. The next few weeks we will use DFFs as the starting point to build core, complex components of our computer, including memory, registers, and ultimately our CPU.