October 4, 2016

Week 1 Intro

Makeshift office hours this week on Wednesday, Oct 5, 1030-1130 in CSE 678

Someone asked me after class if you should be able to build your own Android App by the time the course is over. That should have been on my “goals of the course slide”, as heck yes it is a goal. In fact, after Homework 1 you’ll have already built your own app. It is crummy and boring, but built it you have. By the time the course is over, hopefully you’ll be able to build your own app that isn’t crummy or boring.

This is a weird course because it is about a specific technology. The only way you can really learn a technology is by using it. Writing code, running code, encountering bugs that are confusing and beyond your control, being alternately jubilant and miserable–all these things are part of learning something like Android. Unfortunately, for a once a week credit/no-credit class, we don’t have a lab component and I don’t want to require a bunch of assignments, so I’m just going to be standing in front of you talking. But you will only really learn Android if you do the assignments and mess around with the code. For that reason I suggest you spend as much time as you can on the assignments until you complete them.

Office Hours

Please use the Doodle poll to pick a time that works for you.

As we’re waiting for the final Doodle results to filter in, I’m going to have a temporary office hours this week before we settle on a regular time.

This week’s office hours is Oct 5, 1030-1130am in CSE 678. This works for most people according to the poll. If it doesn’t work for you, vote in the Doodle!

Feel free to bring your machines to have me help install Android Studio from scratch or to have me help troubleshoot errors you’ve encountered doing Homework 1. If you want to come and start Homework 1 with me sitting there, just in case you encounter an error, that is fine by me too.


Here are the lecture slides from this week.

About the Site

I made this site using Hugo.

Thanks to Asuka Suzuki for his MIT-licensed Hemingway theme.