October 4, 2016

Homework 1

Your homework for this week is to get your dev environment set up. Once it is running, create a new app like I demonstrated in the slides (Lecture 1, see previous post) and run it on either your device or an emulator. After that, download and open this project in Android Studio: https://github.com/srsudar/mdr-original Run the tests and run the app on your device or emulator. If you get stuck email me and I will help you! ... Read more

October 4, 2016

Week 1 Intro

Makeshift office hours this week on Wednesday, Oct 5, 1030-1130 in CSE 678 Someone asked me after class if you should be able to build your own Android App by the time the course is over. That should have been on my “goals of the course slide”, as heck yes it is a goal. In fact, after Homework 1 you’ll have already built your own app. It is crummy and boring, but built it you have. ... Read more