November 1, 2016

Homework 5

Your homework this week is to pick an app that you want to build toward over the rest of the quarter. If you can’t think of one, you can instead follow along with me as I work to build some sort of Github client. I also posted a few examples at the end of the slides. Some of these are harder than others.

Feel free to come by office hours or email me to set up an appointment to discuss an idea if you think something would work but you aren’t sure.

For this week I would like you to describe your app to me in a paragraph, and provide drawings of the screens you expect to use. You can get fancy and actually diagram them with software, or you can draw on a paper and send me a picture. If I were doing this, I would use a whiteboard, and I don’t expect you to do more than I would do.

In your paragraph, explain if your app will need to save information on disk, if it will use a network, if you’ll need a server or a ‘server as a service’ (e.g. Firebase and what object models you expect to need. Include anything else you think might be relevant.