October 12, 2016

Homework 2

Homework 2 is to choose an open source Android project and build it locally. I’ve started a discussion board for the course and started a thread where I’d like people to post the projects that they choose.

Homework 2 (assigned on 2016-10-11) is to find an open source Android Project, build it locally, and run it on your device/emulator. Some will be easier than others. Some may be really hard. When you’ve chosen and built a project, post it on the Homework 2 thread on the message board. I’m curious to see what you choose.

Only choose a project someone else has posted if you have already tried a different project but haven’t been able to get it working. If you’re re-posting a project, include the previous project that you tried and the error that kept you from building it. I basically just don’t want the first person that posts a simple-to-build project to ruin the experience for someone else.

In the real world if you’re working on an Android project, odds are you’ll first have to build someone else’s existing code. It’s a good idea to get familiar with it. If you’re choosing a project from github, check out the README for a “Building” section or something similar, as projects will frequently include pointers on vagaries of the build.