October 4, 2016

Homework 1

Your homework for this week is to get your dev environment set up. Once it is running, create a new app like I demonstrated in the slides (Lecture 1, see previous post) and run it on either your device or an emulator.

After that, download and open this project in Android Studio:


Run the tests and run the app on your device or emulator.

If you get stuck email me and I will help you!!! There is nothing worse than being stuck on something like configuration or not being able to run code that other people can run. If any of this is confusing (i.e. how do I download and open a project?), email me and I will explain it better!

Right away with the mdr-original project someone got an error saying that android-22 was not found on their machine. This means the SDK for Android version 22 is not installed, and many of you will likely see the same error. This is not an error with the app but with your build environment, and is one of the most common types of Android errors. Launch the SDK manager (as shown in the slides), and install version 22. It should then work (or at least that error should go away).