CSE 378, Autumn 1999
Machine Organization & Assembly Language
- 11/5 - And if you really want extra practice, visit Eta Kappa Nu at UC Berkeley which has a collection of exams given at Berkeley. (Follow student services and then online exams links). Click on CS152 or CS61C and find problems that you think may be applicable.
- 11/5 - In addition to the midterm, I have posted problems that I have used in section for practice. Most of them have solutions posted.
- 11/5 - As promised, here is last year's midterm. PS PDF
- 11/2 - Brad Fitzpatrick has written a bytecode compiler which he is welcoming the class to use.
- 11/2 - Please follow these instructions when submitting HW5.
- 11/1 - You can see the code I used to test your assignment 3 MIPS programs. See the homeworks section.
- 10/31 - You can download a java bytecode compiler here. How to use it.
- 10/19 - I have written instructions on how to turn in assignment three.
- 10/18 - The instructions for the turnin command are now linked from the help page.
- 10/17 - The midterm date has been set for Monday, November 8.
- 10/11 - Tim has changed his office hours location.
- 10/6 - Homework 2 is available here.
- 10/4 - There is a link to the help page now. You will find unix help, spim help, other various help pages, and SPIM software on this link.
- 9/29 - Homework 1 is available here.
- 9/27 - The handouts from lecture are available here. The lecture is available here.
- 9/27 - Welcome to the CSE378 web page.
For comments or questions about the web page, e-mail tjames@cs.washington.edu.