CSE 378 - Spring 1998
Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Problem Set #7
Due Wednesday, May 27, 1998
- Read Chapter 7, Sections 1 through 3.
- Do the following problems, and hand in the answers by the start of class on Wednesday,
May 27.
- Problem 7.7 (direct-mapped, single-word blocks)
- Problem 7.8 (direct-mapped, 4-word blocks)
- Problem 7.20 (2-way set associative, single-word blocks)
- Problem 7.22 (fully associative, 4-word blocks)
- Problem 7.13 (comparison of cache performance - find where one has an advantage)
- Problem 7.14 (comparison part 2 - find where the other has an advantage)
- Problem 7.23 (find a case where 2-way LRU performs worse than direct-mapped)
- Problem 7.15 (average memory access time)
- Problem 7.16 (increasing size at cost of clock speed)
- Problem 7.27 (comparison of cache configurations)
- Problem 7.24 (total bits required for cache)