CSE 378 - Spring 1998
Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Exercise: Getting Started
You do not need to turn in anything for this assignment.
All documents mentioned here are available on the course
Web page in the Help
- Read the document, "Using UNIX... A Brief Introduction."
- Log on to orcas or sanjuan and create a directory called cse378 in your
home directory.
- List the files in your home directory and see how many there are.
- Read the document, "Using Emacs... A Brief
Introduction." Go to your cse378 directory and create a
new file, whose contents should be Listing 1 in the
document entitled, "Exercise: Familiarization with SPIM
(the C version of the program). Use emacs to create the file, and
save it as test0.c (or some other name of your choice).
- Read the file you just created using the command more. Now try
using the command less to read your program. Note that
you can scroll back and forth in less, which you could not do
in more. Press [Q] to quit.
- Go back to your home directory on orcas or sanjuan, and type ls -al.
You should see a listing similar to what happens if you type ls -l,
but more files will appear. These "extra" files are actually hidden, as
they have names starting with "." Find the one named .cshrc.
- Read the document "Getting Started with SPIM and
XSPIM," and follow the instructions there.
- Finally, read and follow the steps in "Exercise:
Familiarization with SPIM." This part is very important, so please do it