378 Homework 8
Due Date: Monday, December 7 by the start of class
Well, for the final assignment, we are back to programming and electronic
turnin. But, I've decided to have some (small) amount of mercy, and it won't
be in assembly language. That's right folks, the final assignment should be
written in C. For each source code file that you turn in, please put your
name in a comment at the top of the file.
For this assignment, you'll be implementing a simulator
that models the memory components of a computer system.
You should build your implementation of the simulator on
the instructional Alpha machines. There are two C compilers
on the Alpha: /usr/bin/cc and /usr/local/bin/gcc, either one
is fine. There are two debuggers available on the Alpha,
/usr/bin/dbx and /usr/local/bin/gdb. If you choose gcc as
your compiler, I highly recommend using gdb as your debugger.
When you use turnin, you should submit the source
code for your simulator, as well as the compiled version
so that I don't have to build it.
Your program will simulate all the major components of the virtual
memory system: the instruction cache, the data cache, the TLB, the
operating system page tables, and the paging file. Further detail about
how to simulate each of these components is provided below.
The Trace File
As input, your simulator will read in an address trace file named
"trace.in". This
file contains a list of addresses and operations, and this represents
the memory reference behavior of a program running on the simulated
Each reference is categorized as either a read or a write. The format
of the trace file is: one entry per line, with an address
category (i = instruction and d = data), a single space, an operation
field (r = read and w = write), a single space, and finally
an address field (the ASCII decimal representation of the address
being referenced).
To illustrate, here is a very short sample trace file that contains only
4 references:
i r 440
d w 410
i r 76
d r 348
The first line says that the instruction at address 440 was read, and
second line says that the data at address 410 was written. The values
read or written at these addresses are NOT contained in trace file,
since they are irrelevant for simulating the virtual memory system.
Simulating the Caches
You should have two caches, one for data and one for instructions. Both
caches will have the same structure. Assume that each cache contains 16
entries and is 4-way set associative. The replacement policy for your caches
should be LRU. You may implement the LRU scheme however you choose.
During the simulation, you should record the # of accesses to
each Cache, as well as the # of hits.
Output from your simulator
At the end of the simulation, you should print out the
miss rate (as a percentage) for both the Instruction Cache and the Data
Cache. Your simulator, when invoked with the "-verbose" option,
should print out the contents of both the Instruction Cache and the Data
Cache when the simulation ends.
Simulating the TLB
The TLB structure that you will simulate is a split TLB. The page size
for the simulated machine is 1KB. The instruction
TLB (ITLB) will have 32 entries and is fully associative. The replacement
policy you should implement for the ITLB is LRU. The data TLB (DTLB) will
have 16 entries and be fully associative. You should use a random
replacement policy for the DTLB. You should use the srandom() and
random() functions from the standard C library to implement your
random replacement policy, and you should use an initial seed value
of 37982 (this requirement is needed so that everyone's DTLB will
behave identically for testing purposes). Since random() returns
an unsigned random value between 0 and 2^32-1, you should take
that value modulo 16 to generate a random number between 0 and 15.
During the simulation, you should record the # of accesses to
each TLB, as well as the # of hits.
Output from your simulator
At the end of the simulation, you should print out the
miss rate (as a percentage) for both the ITLB and the DTLB.
Your simulator, when invoked with the "-verbose" option,
should print out the contents of both the ITLB and the DTLB when
the simulation ends.
Simulating the OS Page Tables
The page table structure that you will simulate is a linear page
table (as opposed to the inverted page tables or the hierarchical
page tables described in the book). Each page table
entry should contain a valid bit, a physical page number, and a
dirty bit.
You should use an LRU replacement policy to simulate how main memory
is managed. The size of main memory on the machine you are simulating
is 64 pages. Initially, main memory should be empty (so your virtual
memory system page freelist contains every physical page). Your page
allocation policy should simply hand out the physical pages in order
of increasing page number (starting at 0), until the freelist is
empty. From that point on, all physical pages will be obtained by
page replacements. In our simulation, pages will never be added
back to the freelist since we're only simulating a single process
and it never dies.
Output from your simulator
The output of your simulation for this component should be the
total number of page faults. When your simulator is
invoked with the "-verbose" option, it will print out the
contents of all the valid entries in the page table when the
simulation ends.
Simulating the Paging File
You do not have to model the actual placement of virtual pages on
disk (a more accurate simulation would record the disk block
number for all those entries in the page table where the valid
bit is not set). Instead, you should simply keep track of the
number of disk read and write operations that are needed to
handle the page faults. You can assume that the disk block size
matches the 1KB page size, so it only takes 1 disk read operation
to load a 1KB page from disk.
Output from your simulator
When the simulation ends, you should print out the total number
of disk read operations and the total number of disk write operations
that were needed to handle all the page faults.
Extra Credit
For extra credit, implement your instruction cache using each of the
following schemes (all caches should contain 16 instructions total):
- Fully associative
- 2-way set associative
- 4-way set associative
- Direct mapped with 1 word blocks
- Direct mapped with 4 word blocks
Run your code on this input file for each cache
structure. You must include a file called "extra.credit" with your turnin.
If I do not see this file, you will not get credit for this. This file
should show the results of each of these by cutting and pasting a run of your
code (without the -verbose option) using each cache. So you will run your
code 5 times and show me the results of each of these. If you do the extra
credit, make sure the final version of your code that you turn in uses a
4-way set associative cache so that it runs properly when I am testing the
rest of the homework!