CSE 378 Autumn 1998 - Homework 2 Solution ----------------------------------------- 1. (2 pts) The term "von Neumann machine" gives too much credit to von Neumann for his ideas, and not enough to the engineers, Eckert and Mauchly, who actually worked on the machines. 2. (2 pts) 8KB. 3. (1 pt) Answers vary. (The oldest computer I have ever used is a Tandy 1000.) 4. (5 pts) FORMAT OP RS RT IMMEDIATE VALUE lw I 35 4 3 0 addi I 8 2 2 1 sw I 43 5 3 0 addi I 8 4 4 4 addi I 8 5 5 4 bne I 5 3 0 -6 3.2. (4 pts) v1 = the value of the most common element in the array v0 = the number of times this value occurs in the array 3.4. (2 pts) addi $t0, $t1, 100 3.5. (4 pts) lui $t1, 61 addi $t1, $t1, 2304 lw $t2, 44($t1) add $t2, $t2, $t0 sw $t2, 40($t1)