CSE 378, Autumn 1997 | Assignment #1 | Due: Wednesday, Oct 8th, 1997 |
2. The performance axis (Y) in Figure 1.20 is SPECMarks, a unit to be explained later in the term. The (actual) SPECMark=1 computer used to calibrate these numbers is on the east end of 4th floor of Sieg Hall. How big is its cache? (You'll have to go see it to answer this.)
3. How many times more efficient is the Intel 200 MHz Pentium Pro than the Univac I when measured in adds/second per watt?
loop: lw $v1,0($a0) # read the next word from source addi $v0,$v0,1 # increment count sw $v1,0($a1) # write to destination addi $a0,$a0,4 # advance pointer to next souce addi $a1,$a1,4 # advance pointer to next destination bne $v1,$zero,loop # loop if word copied is not zero