source /cse/courses/cse378/97au/bin/spim-setupYou need to make the above changes only once. By including the above line, you will have easy access to spim and xspim, as well as the (scant) man page documentation.
setenv DISPLAY machine-name:0.0where machine-name is the name of the terminal you are using. You will need to set this environment variable each time you log in. Doing so allows sanjuan or orcas to send display information to your terminal. Note: this may not be necessary on all X-terms, as some of them are directly connected to the instructional machines. (To find out if the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, you can check its value by typing: setenv | grep DISPLAY.)
xspim &at the prompt. The & character tells UNIX to run xspim in the background. This allows you to continue using the terminal window from which you started xspim to do other work, read mail, etc...