CSE 378 Homework 3

Part A Out: Tuesday 4/14/09
Due: Saturday 4/18/09 6:00PM (no extensions)

Part B Out: Monday 4/20/09
Part B Due: Monday 4/27/09 11:00PM


This entire assignment is about procedure call linkages. Part A is "simply" converting your palindrome assembler program from HW2 into a subroutine. Part B is somewhat more interesting.

The intention is that Part A will help you verify that you understand the procedure call material before the midterm next Monday (4/20). We will make a solution available shortly after the due date (Saturday, 6:00 PM), which is why there are no extensions on this assignment.

Part A

In HW2 your wrote a palindrome program in assembler. It was written to be a main() main()'s are in fact subroutines, so should conform to the procedure call linkage conventions. However, the code that calls them is very robust to their misbehaving, so we didn't have to worry about that in HW2.

The code distribution (below) provides you with a main(), written in C--, a sample solution to the HW2 palindrome question, a prologue, and an iolib. main() reads a line of input from the terminal, calls the subroutine-ified palindrome program passing it that input, and then prints the return value (0 or 1). The palindrome program basically does just what it did before - determines whether or not a string is a palindrome. You can start from either the sample solution palindrome program (part3.s) or your own solution, as you like.

Here is main():

char  inString[256];

void main() {

  // we loop until the user types something that isn't a palindrome

  int   gotOne = 1;
  while(gotOne) {
    printString("Please enter a palindrome: ");
    readString( inString, 256 );
    gotOne = isPalindrome( inString );
    // This print is a debugging aid -- when you see it, you
    // know isPalindrome() returned, and what it returned.
    // Otherwise, though, it shouldn't really be here.
    printInt( gotOne );
    printString( "\n" );
and here is some output from running the solution I wrote:
zahorjan@fileserver:~/cse378/09sp/hw3$ make
[Compiler, assembler, linker output elided]

zahorjan@fileserver:~/cse378/09sp/hw3$ cebsim pal.exe 
Loading Cebollita program file pal.exe
Sizes: text=0000027c(636) data=00000158(344) stack=00000800(2048) heap=00000200(512)
Please enter a palindrome: a+b+a
a+b+a is a palindrome.
Please enter a palindrome: Madam I'm Adam.  
Madam I'm Adam. is a palindrome.
Please enter a palindrome: the quick brown fox
the quick brown fox is not a palindrome.
Halt instruction

(Note that a makefile is part of the distribution.)

To convert a palindrome implementation to a procedure that can be called from main(), and results in this output, you need to:

Part A: Some Things To Watch Out For

Debugging is painful, because the debugger is operating at the machine/assembler level, and it's unlikely you'll be thinking of the program that way. (After all, half of it is written in C--.) My totally serious advice is this: don't make any mistakes. Review your code carefully before running, with the goal of having it work the first time you try it. (If it doesn't work, I'd start the debugging process by looking at the code again, rather than using breakpoins, say, in the simulation. Those are a last resort.)

Here is a list of things to look out for, to help you achieve a "worked first time" implementation:

Part A: Starter Code

Note: the distributed solution to the HW2 palindrome problem makes most sense when compared against the implementation written in C, and available from the HW2 sample solution.

Sources of Information

To get the details on the Cebollita procedure call linkage:
  • The Cebollita procedure call handout.
  • The Cebollita C-- compiler knows how to generate assember that follows the Cebollita procedure call linkage. Write( or find) a C-- program that is a, or invokes a, procedure, compile it, and look at the .s file that is generated. (E.g., look at main.s. To see it, you'll have to issue a compile command by hand, because make deletes main.s as it finishes up.)


Online: https://catalysttools.washington.edu/collectit/dropbox/zahorjan/5621