Wiring Units


The components on this page generally could be constructed in other ways, but specifying them this way just makes things cleaner and easier. 

Module: shiftLeft

    This simply takes an input, shifts it to the left a number of bits, and returns an output of the same length.  This is notably useful for branch and jump address computations. 


Name Default Description
AMOUNT 2 number of bits to shift
WIDTH 32 bit width of inputs and outputs

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in In WIDTH input bits
out Out WIDTH shifted output bits



This component is only useful for block diagrams.  


Module: signEx

    This is a sign extension unit that simply makes copies of the highest bit. 



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
in In 16  16-bit immediate
out OUT 32 sign-extended immediate



This is included for completeness. You'll want to use extender.


Module: extender

    This more complex extender unit supports extensions of arbitrary sizes. It also has control inputs to select between types of extensions. The possible types include zero-extend, sign-extend, align left, and align right


Name Default Description
I_WIDTH 8 input bit width
O_WIDTH 32 output bit width
ZERO_EX 2'b00 code to perform zero extension
SIGN_EX 2'b01 code to perform sign extension
ALIGN_L 2'b10 code to perform left alignment
ALIGN_R 2'b11 code to perform right alignment

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
IN In I_WIDTH input bits
CTL In 2 controls the type of transformation
OUT Out O_WIDTH shifted output bits
