

The design in the book splits the control into a main controller, and a smaller controller that targets only the ALU. We've followed that convention. 

Module: ALUControl

    This controller takes a 2 bit input from the main controller, as well as the function code from the instruction and generates the 4 bit ALUctl code.



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
ALUOp In 2 00 = ADD, 01 = SUB, 10 = FUNC
Func In 5 function field defines what to do
ALUCtl Out 4 operation to perform



Module: ALUControl2

    This controller is designed to support the MIPSALU_2 component. Where ALUControl had only three choices, we now have the chance to choose ALUctl based on the opcode of the instruction. This does mean that we need a mux on the Func input to select between the Func and Opcode fields of the instruction.



Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
ALUOp In 2 00 = ADD, 01 = SUB, 10 = FUNC, 11 = Opcode
Func In 5 function field defines what to do
ALUCtl Out 4 operation to perform
