Arithmetic Components


The center of the computer is the Arithmetic and Logic Unit, but we also provide a simple adder component for use in computing branches and offsets. 

Module: Adder

    Simple unsigned adder of arbitrary size. No overflow checking 


Name Default Description
WIDTH 32 bit width of inputs and outputs

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
inA In WIDTH one input for the addition
inB In WIDTH second input for the addition
out Out WIDTH  out = inA + inB




    This is the most basic implementation of the ALU. It has only the most basic operations and no support for signed operations of overflow checking.


Name Default Description
AND 0 control code for logical AND
OR 1 control code for logical OR
ADD 2 control code for Addition
SUB 6 control code for subtraction
SLT 7 control code for set on less than
NOR 12 control code for logical NOR

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
A In 32 left hand operand
B In 32 right hand operand
ALUctl In 4 determine which operation to perform
ALUOut Out 32 result of the operation
Zero Out 1 (ALUOut == 0)? 1 : 0



Module: MIPSALU_2

   This is a more complex ALU that supports the full complement of arithmetic and logical operations of both signed and unsigned varieties. In general, the only difference between signed and unsigned operations is the overflow checking. Signed operations perform overflow checking, while unsigned operations do not.  The lone exception is the Set on Less Than (SLT) operation.  Consider the following case:

$t0, $0, 0xFFFF
$t1, $0, 0xFFFF
# $t0 = 0. SignExt(0xFFFF) = -1 (2's complement)
# $t1 = 1. SignExt(0xFFFF) = 2^32-1 (unsigned)

This happens because the unsigned version compares the numbers as unsigned numbers, while the signed version treats them as 2's complements numbers.  It's worth noting that SLTIU still performs sign extension on its immediate.    

Note: Does not implement any shift operations.


Name Default Description
AND 0 control code for logical AND
OR 1 control code for logical OR
ADD 2 control code for Addition
ADDU 3 control code for unsigned addition
SUBU 4 control code for unsigned subtraction
SUB 6 control code for subtraction
SLT 7 compare A and B as 2's complement numbers
SLTU 8 compare A and B as unsigned numbers
XOR 9 control code for XOR
NOR 12 control code for logical NOR

Port Description:

Name Dir Width Description
A In 32 left hand operand
B In 32 right hand operand
ALUctl In 4 determine which operation to perform
ALUOut Out 32 result of the operation
Zero Out 1 (ALUOut == 0)? 1 : 0
Overflow Out 1 Overflow status of signed operations
