HW6 - Trace Tools

Supplement to the hw6 main assignment.

Please note the CSE lab bug description at the bottom of this page


Execution of benchImage takes more than a million cycles. What if something goes wrong in the middle? How do you figure out what went wrong?

I've written some tools that might help. The situation is inherently difficult, so don't expect the tools to be a magic bullet. But, they should help.

The basic idea is to create a trace of the PC and instruction executed each cycle, writing it to a file. You actually create two traces, one on a known working machine (e.g., Cebollita), and one on the flawed machine. You then compare the two trace files, finding the first place they differ.

The tools are the files convertTrace.pl, diffTrace.pl, and diffTrace. They're available as traceTools.zip.

The Process

  1. Obtain a reference trace -- a trace from a working machine:
    • I have produce one using Cebollita to run benchImage (with an unaltered OS). It's at
      (It's 75MB, so don't copy it, just leave it there.)
    • You can produce one using Cebollita, but it requires distribution cebollita-full.2-4.20050308.jar (Version 2.4 (Build 42)) or later:
      $ cebsim --trace cebTrace.txt --bootable benchImage
    • Here are the first few lines of a Cebollita produced trace:
      00000000  20084000 |        0 "addi    $t0, $0, 16384"
      00000004  20090010 |        1 "addi    $t1, $0, 16"
      00000008  01094004 |        2 "sllv    $t0, $t0, $t1"
      0000000c  8d080028 |        3 "lw      $t0, 40($t0)"  00010000  <- 40000028
      00000010  2109fe00 |        4 "addi    $t1, $t0, -512"
      00000014  00096825 |        5 "or      $t5, $0, $t1"
      00000018  00005020 |        6 "add     $t2, $0, $0"
      0000001c  8d4b0000 |        7 "lw      $t3, 0($t2)"  20084000  <- 00000000
      00000020  ad2b0000 |        8 "sw      $t3, 0($t1)"  20084000  -> 0000fe00
      The first two columns are the PC and the instruction, respectively. The '|' is used to indicate the rest of the line is a comment. For Cebollita produced traces the information is the cycle and the disassembled instruction. If the instruction is a load or a store it also shows the data and the address (in that order, for both loads and stores).

  2. Create a trace of your SMOK machine's execution:
    1. Start SMOK and load your machine.
    2. Add a Trace component to your machine.
    3. Double-click on the Trace component to bring up its properties dialog.
    4. For #Inputs, say 3.
    5. Type a name for Trace Output file, e.g., smokTrace.txt.
    6. Hit OK. Here is a picture of the Trace component when you've done this, except that I've added names to the input ports here for clarity:
    7. Connect the uppermost input to your PC, the middle input to your ICache's output (i.e., the current instruction), and the bottom input to a line that is 1 if the machine is stalling this cycle and 0 otherwise.
    8. Boot
    9. Shutdown SMOK
    A potentially REALLY big file is now in whatever SMOK's working directory was - probably the directory your model file came from. The file does not have a nice format, so I'm not showing any of it here.

  3. Convert the SMOK trace file to a nicer format:
    $ perl convertTrace.pl smokTrace.txt >smokConvertedTrace.txt
    This step requires that you have perl installed, obviously (it comes, or at least can come, with cygwin), and that you have extracted the convertTrace.pl file from the .zip distrbution.

    Here's the beginning of a converted SMOK trace file:

    00000000  20084000  |         0         2
    00000004  20090010  |         1         5
    00000008  01094004  |         2         8
    0000000c  8d080028  |         3        11
    00000010  2109fe00  |         4        14
    00000014  00096825  |         5        17
    00000018  00005020  |         6        20
    0000001c  8d4b0000  |         7        23
    00000020  ad2b0000  |         8        26
    The first two columns are the PC and instruction. The comment fields are the "virtual cycle" and the actual cycle. This trace was taken on a machine that does stall. All stall cycles have been eliminated in the conversion process. The virtual cycle is a count of how many instructions have actually been executed so far (i.e., ignoring stalls). The actual cycle is the actual SMOK cycle (in case you want to set a Halt component on a counter that simply counts up one each cycle, for debugging).

  4. diff the two traces:
    For example,
    $ ./diffTrace smokConvertedTrace.txt /cygdrive/o/unix/projects/instr/05wi/cse378/cebBenchmarkTrace.txt
    Eventually (it takes a while) you will get some output in the cygwin window that shows where and how the files differ. Here is an example:
    < 0000fe68  8d0c0000
    < 0000fe6c  01816026
    < 0000fe70  140cfffd
    < 0000fe68  8d0c0000
    < 0000fe6c  01816026
    < 0000fe70  140cfffd
    The first line means that lines 792-797 in the first file (smokConvertedTrace.txt) would need to be deleted for the two files to continue matching (at line 791 in the second file). It also means that if you deleted those lines, the files would start matching again. Thus, those cycles are instructions that the SMOK machine executed but the Cebollita machine did not.

    To better understand what these lines mean, it's often easiest to look in the Cebollita trace file, since it has instruction disassemlies in it.

  5. Resolve differences between the traces:
    Unfortunately, just because the traces differ at some point, it doesn't mean there's a problem. In the case above, for instance, if we look in the Cebollita trace file at the instructions around the problem area, we see this:
    0000fe68  8d0c0000 |      788 "lw      $t4, 0($t0)"  00002000  <- 40000010
    0000fe6c  01816026 |      789 "xor     $t4, $t4, $at"
    0000fe70  140cfffd |      790 "bne     $t4, $0, -3"
    Here the code is waiting for the block controller to indicate that it is done doing whatever operation was asked of it. Because I/O operations take an unpredictable amount of time, the number of times around this polling loop differs in the SMOK and Cebollita executions. That is, both trace files indicate working machines, even though the traces differ.

    To resolve this difference, edit smokConvertedTrace.txt, deleting lines 792-797. Then return to the previous step.

    Doing that, I get:

    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    < 0000fecc  8d0c0000
    < 0000fed0  01816024
    < 0000fed4  100cfffd
    This is another instance of the same problem. Delete those lines and try again. Eventually either you have eliminated all differences as benign, in which case your SMOK machine behaved the same as the reference machine, or you have found a place where the SMOK machine went wrong. In the latter case, looking at the preceeding few instructions in the Cebollita trace will often tell you just what isn't working. (E.g., if your machine fails on the instruction that follows an rfe, it's pretty like that rfe isn't working, or that ExceptionPC isn't being written correctly.)


CSE Lab Bug

I announced some tools a couple days ago that let you compare a trace
of your smok machine's execution with a cebollita execution.  The
tools involve using perl for a number of the steps.
Unfortunately, the instructional machines have been (mis?)configured
with a version of perl for 64-bit machines.  This is causing a problem
with the tools, in particular with the step in which you run
convertTrace.pl to convert the smok generated trace to a format
suitable for comparing with the cebollita trace.
A workaround:
- $ scp convertTrace.pl diffTrace diffTrace.pl attu:
- $ scp mySmokTrace.txt attu:
- $ ssh attu
- attu> perl convertTrace.pl mySmokTrace.txt >smokTrace
- attu> ./diffTrace smokTrace /projects/instr/05wi/cse378/cebBenchmarkTrace.txt