Final Exam Topics


There exam period is 110 minutes long. The exam will be targetted at around 70 minutes.

Some questions will be oriented towards the assignments - they'll be about ideas or activities done there. I haven't tried to enumerate the assignment-related material separately from the list of topics below, though.

As a guide to studying, there are two distinct questions you might ask yourself about each topic: what, and why. By "what" I mean understanding what how something works, and by "why" I mean, "Why is it done this way? What is the goal that we're trying to achieve? Why isn't some other way of try How does it fit into the larger picture of building a system?"

Questions, especially of the "why" variety, often will span topics.


I'm organizing this list by chapter in the text. You should also review the course lecture schedule - not all topics are covered adequately in the text. (A list of non-text topics appears at the end.) Note that the meaning of the items on this list are open to interpretation, so it would be a mistake to completely suspend your own judgement about what the list should be. (It should be all the material covered in lectures, sections, and assignments.)

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
