Last name ________________ First name
Section _________
CSE378 Autumn 2003
Miniquiz #2
1 pt. per part except as noted
No calculators!
1-4. Filll in the blanks: On the MIPS architecture, there are
____ general-purpose registers, each ___ bits in length. There
are a handfull of special-purpose registers, for example ____ and
5. Answer T/F and explain briefly: The general purpose registers do
double-duty as floating point registers.
6-7-8. Suppose register $t1 contains a value (a signed integer, call it
x), and we want to compute the value of 3*x + 5 and leave it in
$v0. Write MIPS instructions to do so.
9. Instead of $t1 having the value of x, suppose $a0 contains the
memory address of x. We still want to compute 3*x +
5. How would the program differ?
10. On some machines, the terms "branch" and "jump" are loosely
interchanged. In MIPS, there is a clear difference between the
"branch" and "jump" instructions. Explain briefly.