Last name _Points_________ First name
Section _A[AB]__
CSE378 Autumn 2003
Miniquiz #1
1 pt. per part except as noted
No calculators!
"signed" base-2 integers in this course will always imply
2s-complement, unless otherwise specified.
1. Express 3010 as an unsigned 8-bit binary
number; show all
2. Give the decimal (base-10) value of the unsigned integer 9A0116.
9 x 163 + 10 x 162 + 1 = 39425
3. Give the decimal value of the signed integer 9A0116.
Assume the number is 16 bits.
Invert bits in 9A0116 = 65FE16
Add 1 to 65FE16 = 65FF16
-(6 x 163 + 5 x 162 + 15 x 161 + 15) = -2611110
4-5. Registers in a certain computer are 18 bits in length.
What is the largest possible unsigned integer value of such a
register? What is the largest possible signed integer value of
such a register? Give both answers in base 10.
218 - 1 = 262143 and 217 - 1 = 131071
6 (2 pts.). Draw a high-level block diagram of a computer; make it as
detailed as possible while still being so general that it describes
practically any computer, living or dead.
Most parts present with labels = 2 points
A few mistakes = 1.5 points
A few parts present with labels = 1 point
7. Answer briefly: the term "fetch" (referring to computer design, of
course!) means...
Mention that the CPU is getting something from somewhere
e.g. The CPU gets an instruction from memory
or the CPU gets an operand from a register or memory
8. Answer briefly but specifically: the topic of Chapter 3
(today's assigned reading) is ...