while (A != 0) { Product = Product + B; A = A - 1; }You can download an example of a machine that implements this algorithm from here. Download this model, load it into the simulator, and experiment with it. What is the cost of this machine? How many cycles are required to multiply two relatively large numbers (say 0x1234 by 0xABCD)?
while (A != 0) { if (A % 2 == 1) // If A is odd Product = Product + B; B = B << 1; // Multiply B by two A = A >> 1; // Divide A by two }Checking for oddness is easy in a binary representation. Just look at the low order bit. Doubling and halving numbers is easily accomplished by shifting left or right, respectively. What is the cost of this new machine? How many cycles are required to multiply two numbers?
Opcode | Operation | Example | Meaning |
00100000 (0x20) | ADD | 0x20020205 | Reg[2] = Reg[2] + Reg[5] |
01100000 (0x60) | IMM | 0x60020001 | Reg[2] = 1 |
00010001 (0x11) | BNE | 0x11230501 | If (Reg[5] != Reg[1]) PC = 0x23 |
10100100 (0xA4) | LOAD | 0xA4050400 | Reg[5] = Mem[Reg[4]] |
00001000 (0x08) | STORE | 0x08000203 | Mem[Reg[2]] = Reg[3] |
ADD adds to register operands and places the result into a register. IMM takes an 8-bit immediate operand from the instruction and places that value into a register. BNE compares two registers, and possibly set the PC to the 8-bit immediate target address in the instruction. LOAD reads memory at an address specified by the contents of a register, and places the result into another register. STORE takes a value (from the register file) and stores it at an address specified by another register.
Registers in the Simple Machine are defined to be 32 bits wide. LOADs/STOREs operate on 32-bit words to/from memory. (Note: this is somewhat different from the machine we talked about in class, that just moved single bytes to/from memory. Again, this change makes your lives easier.) All Simple instructions are encoded as 32-bit values. The high order eight bits (bits 31 through 24) specify the opcode, as shown in the table. Bits 23-16 specify a register number to write (if the instruction does so) OR a target value for the PC if the instruction is a branch. Bits 15-8 specify a register number to read. Bits 7-0 specify either an immediate value to load into a register, or a second register to read.
Your machine will implement a fetch-increment-execute loop: it fetches the instruction specified by the PC, increments the PC to point to the next instruction, and then performs the operation specified by the instruction just fetched.
Designing the datapath and control is totally up to you, but here are some hints:
// Comment line <starting address in decimal> <word1 in hex> <word2 in hex> ... <wordN in hex>For example:
// My first program 0 6001000A 60020010 20030201Puts the immediate value 0x0A into register 1, the immediate value 0x10 into register 2 and then adds the contents of register 1 and register 2 and places the result into register 3. Double clicking the memory component will allow you to load a file like the above into memory.
Add the STOP instruction to the ISA. STOP should have an opcode of zero, and cause your machine to stop executing. Modify your machine to handle this instruction. (You may just wire a HALT component to the appropriate place.)
Write a SimpleISA program that multiplies two numbers by repeated addition (as in Exercise 0, above). It should read the first number from memory location 100, the second number from memory location 104, and store the product into memory location 108. When it is finished, it should STOP. We recommend writing the program in "assembly" code, hand-simulating it, and then hand-assembling it into machine code.
Question 1: What's the largest address that your machine can branch to? Not very big. Can you think of a way to encode larger addresses in the provided 8 bits for the target? (HINT: Remember that instructions are always aligned on a "word" address, starting at zero. Does it look like we're wasting a few bits?) The easy way to answer this question is use a strategy similar to that used by the designers of the MIPS architecture for their branch instructions (Check out the book!).
The SMOK system provides you with some important metrics that you should keep in mind. The first is the cycle time of your machine and the second is the "cost", which is a measure of how many transistors your components would consume. The person(s) who get the lowest cycle time and cost will receive a special prize!
Please stay tuned.