Homework #7 Appendix
The program
Long idea, short program
- Your program should take a binary tree in array form.
- The nodes of the tree are positive integers, a null value
(leaf) may be represented as a -1.
- The tree is not a BST, it is simply a binary
tree containing unique positive integers with no
particular ordering.
- The tree does not have to be full or complete.
- Your program should also take a sequence of three distinct
integers as input
1) search/matching:
- Given the tree and the three integers (call them left,
root, and right), your program should search
the tree for the following formation:
That is:
- The integer root at the root of the tree (or
of some subtree)
- The integer left somewhere in the left subtree
of the root node
- The integer right somewhere in the right
subtree of the root node |
- If this formation is not found in the binary tree,
then return 0 and the algorithm ends.
- If this formation is found, then proceed to the next step:
2) color the paths
- We now have the indexes of left, root, and
right in the array (the array represents the tree).
- Color the paths from left to root, and from
right to root with the 'color' -2
- Include left, root, and right in
the coloring
- The program finishes, the program doesn't return anything
(other than the colored tree in memory).
Consider the following tree and its associate array-implementation:
index: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
4 |
23 |
11 |
1 |
6 |
15 |
5 |
12 |
18 |
3 |
2 |
77 |
8 |
25 |
7 |
100 |
-1 |
value: |
The left, root, right sequence {4, 11,
5} is not in the tree, and if the program was given the above array
and the latter sequence of integers, the returned value would be
0 (to indicate the formation was not found).
Likewise, the left, root, right sequence
{3, 2, 4} is not in the tree and we would return 0.
The left, root, right sequence {6,
4, 25} is in this tree, and if the program was given the above array
and the latter sequence of integers, the result would be:
The left, root, right sequence {100,
1, 18} is also in this tree, and if the program was given the above
array and the latter sequence of integers, the result would be:
The algorithm/pseudocode:
Working with a binary in array-form:
- index of node: i
- index of node's left-child: 2i
- index of node's right-child: 2i + 1
- index of node's parent: floor(i/2)
Depth-First Search:
- Recursive
- Takes a starting node index and a value to search for (we assume
the array is global)
- Returns the index of the value if it is present in the tree,
o/w returns 0.
int DFS(index, value){
int temp;
// Return this index if we've
found the value
if(tree[index] == value)
return index;
// Return 0 if we are at a leaf (since we didn't find value)
if(tree[index] == -1)
return 0;
// If we're not at a
leaf and we haven't found value, then
// search the left subtree
temp = DFS(2*index, value);
// If we found value, then return its index
if(temp != 0)
return temp;
// O/w, continue the
search in the right subtree
return DFS(2* index + 1, value);
Searching for the left, root, right formation:
- One strategy
int findFormation(int left, int root, int right){
int i, j, k;
// Try to find 'root'
i = DFS(1, root);
if(i == 0)
return 0;
// Then we found 'root', so try to find 'left' in 'root's
// left subtree.
j = DFS(2*i,left);
if(i == 0)
return 0;
// Then we found 'left' in 'root's left subtree, so search for
// 'right' in 'root's right subtree.
k = DFS(2*i + 1, right);
if(i == 0)
return 0;
// Then we've found 'left', 'root', and 'right' in the correct
// formation. Now we color the paths between 'left' and
'root', and
// between 'right' and 'root', and we're done.
color(j, i);
color(k, i);
void color(int end, int root){
int temp;
temp = end;
while(temp != root){
// Color this node
tree[temp] = -2;
// Step up to this node's parent
temp = floor(temp / 2);
- X >> 1 is the same as floor(X/2)
- 2 * i is the same as i + i
If you find any problems implementing this program,
please email me.