Paths that start with "~" or "/" are absolute pathnames because they refer to a specific starting point. Other paths are relative, and constructed starting from the directory you're in. The example above was absolute and will work no matter where I am. In contrast, "../foo" will go back one level from the current directory and look for foo.
pwd prints the working directory you're in.
cd name changes you into the the named directory.
ls lists the files in the current directory.
ls -l gives you the long version of the above. You get the dates the files were created, their sizes, and other information about permissions to access the file.
ls -a lists all the files in a directory. Filenames which start with "." are not printed otherwise.
ls name lists the contents of the named directory.
cp name new-name copies (duplicates) a file to a new name or location.
mv name new-name moves a file. If new-name is a directory, the file will be moved to that location. If it is a filename, it will be renamed to that name.
rm name removes a file (No warning!).
mkdir name makes a new directory.
rmdir name removes a directory.
The best way to edit a file is to use emacs. See the Emacs Intro page for details.
If you're using tcsh, you can re-edit previous commands by using the arrow keys to scroll through them. Tcsh has many other useful features, see the manual page for details.
man command-name prints the manual page for a command. The manual page describes all the available options and their behavior.
apropos substring lists those commands whose description contains the given substring.