UPDATE 4/25/01: This assignment is due Friday before midnight. You should bring your printout of Exercise 1 to class on Friday.
UPDATE 4/24/01: You no longer need to check for jumps to invalid addresses. You can consider doing this as extra credit.
UPDATE 4/22/01: Error codes for out of bounds jumps/branches and invalid instructions have been added. See the Error Checking section.
There will be three assignments on designing the microarchitecture of a processor. For at least two of these, and hopefully the third one as well, you will use the SMOK toolkit to design hardware components for the SLOOP machine. (For our local historians of trivia, the Sloop Tavern is the name of a bar frequented by the authors of the software, John Zahorjan and Ben Dugan. This is probably where they cooked up the idea of this project.)
This is the first of the three assignments. It's purpose is to familiarize you with the SMOK toolkit. The result of this assignment will be a complete single-cycle implementation of the 378 stack machine from assignment 3.
Information on SMOK can be found here . You will quickly discover that this type of programming feels very different from programming in C/C++ or most languages that you're familiar with. So to ease into this different style, we'll give you some exercises that will illustrate the capabilities of the toolkit.
For this assignment (and the next one as well), you should work in teams of two, so that you have a buddy to talk over your design decisions with. Each member of the team should contribute equally to the completion of the assignment.
while (A != 0) { Product = Product + B; A = A - 1; }You can download an example of a machine that implements this algorithm from here. Download this model, load it into the simulator, and experiment with it. How many cycles are required to multiply two relatively large numbers (say 0x1234 by 0xABCD)?
while (A != 0) { if (A % 2 == 1) // If A is odd Product = Product + B; B = B << 1; // Multiply B by two A = A >> 1; // Divide A by two }Checking for oddness in hardware is easier than in software; think how you might do this.
The table below lists the set of
instructions available (as well as some other info to be explained shortly). A
user of the 378 machine would write a program using those instructions.
(Please note: the opcodes have changed from the original 378 definition.)
Opcode | Operation | Example | Meaning |
0000 | Stop | 0x00000000 | Stop the program |
0001 | Show | 0x10000000 | Show the stack top |
0010 | Clear | 0x20000000 | Clear the stack |
0100 | Jump | 0x40000000 | Jump to address in stack top |
0101 | Bez | 0x50000010 | Branch if stack top = 0: PC := PC + 16 |
0110 | Bgtz | 0x60000004 | Branch if stack top > zero: PC := PC + 4 |
1010 | Mult | 0xA0000000 | Multiply |
1000 | Add | 0x80000000 | Add |
1001 | Sub | 0x90000000 | Subtract |
1111 | Push | 0xF0000003 | Push 3 onto the stack |
Stop indicates the end of a program.
Show requests that the integer at the top of the stack be printed.
Clear indicates that the stack should be cleared, that is, set to empty.
Jump jumps to the address at the top of the stack
Bgtz and Bgez compare the value at the top of the stack to zero, branch to the target or fall through and pop the stack
Mult, Add, and Sub replace the top two integers on the stack with the single integer result of the operation specified. For example, if the stack contains (from bottom to top) {1 2 3}, a Sub instruction would result in {1 -1}.
Push adds a new integer contained in the lower 28 bits of the instruction to the stack.
All branches are PC relative, not (PC + 4) relative.
378 instructions are encoded as 32-bit values. The high order four bits (bits 28 through 31) specify the opcode, as shown in the table. In all instructions other than Push, Bez , and Bgtz , the low order 28 bits are ignored. In the Push, Bez , and Bgtz instructions, the low order 28 bits contain a signed integer.
Your machine will implement the instruction execution cycle loop: it fetches the instruction specified by the PC, decodes it and performs its operation, and either increments the PC or changes it to a target address.
Designing the datapath and control is totally up to you, but here are some hints:
// Comment line <starting address in decimal> <word1 in hex> <word2 in hex> ... <wordN in hex>For example:
// My first program 0 F0000002 F0000003 F0000004 F0000005 A0000000 80000000 90000000 00000000pushes four operands onto the stack and then does a Mult, Add, Sub, and finally a Stop. Double clicking the memory component will allow you to load a file like the above into memory.
It is possible for the 378 machine to encounter error conditions. You should deal with stack overflow (pushing more data onto the stack than it can hold) and underflow (performing more operations than there are operand elements on the stack). Your machine should halt and place a value into a status register that indicates: 0 for normal termination, 1 for stack underflow, 2 for stack overflow. Use an error code of 3 to check for branches to out of bound instructions and 4 for invalid innstructions.
The SMOK system provides you with some important metrics that you should keep in mind. The first is the cycle time of your machine and the second is the "cost", which is a measure of how many transistors your components would consume. The team(s) that get the lowest cycle time and cost will receive a special prize!
Please turn in one copy of the following for your group:
Do loads and stores for extra credit.