Machine Organization & Assembly Language

CSE 378, Spring Quarter 2000

Assembly Language Programming Exercises - Answers

Exercise 1 - Absolute Value

      bltz $t1, neg          # If $t0 < 0 then branch to the instruction
                             # labelled neg
      add  $t1, $t0,   $zero # Set $t1 to $t0
      j    skip              # Jump over the next instruction
neg:  sub  $t1, $zero, $t0   # Set $t1 to -$t0
Multiplying by -1 to perform the negation is tricky: the result is held in special registers and needs to be transferred to the general purpose registers.

Exercise 2 - Swap

lw   $t0, 0($a0) # Load the first word into $t0
lw   $t1, 0($a1) # Load the second word into $t1
sw   $t0, 0($a1) # Store $t0 into the old second word
sw   $t1, 0($a0) # Store $t1 into the old first word

Exercise 3 - Linear Search

linSearch: # A procedure to perform linear searching of an integer array
           # On entry:
           # $a0 - base address of the array
           # $a1 - number of elements in the array
           # $a2 - the number to search for
           # On exit:
           # $v0 - 1 if the number was found, 0 otherwise

           addi  $t0, $a0,   0     # Initialize $t0 to the base address of the
                                   # array

                                   # Set $t1 to the address just beyond the
                                   # last element in the array, which is:
           sll   $t1, $a1,   2     # the number of elements multiplied by 4
           add   $t1, $t1,   $a0   # and added to the base address of the array

                                   # $t1 has this odd "beyond the end" address
                                   # that an addition instruction can be
                                   # removed

loop:      beq   $t0, $t1,   not   # If $t0 == $t1 then exit the loop, the
                                   # value was not found

           lw    $t2, 0($t0)       # Load the current element into $t2
           beq   $t2, $a2,   found # If it is the number we are searching for
                                   # then exit the loop

           addi  $t0, $t0,   4     # Make $t0 point to the next array element
           j     loop              # Jump to the start of the loop

not:       addi  $v0, $zero, 0     # Set $v0 to 0
           jr    $ra               # Return from the procedure

found:     addi  $v0, $zero, 1     # Set $v0 to 1
           jr    $ra               # Return from the procedure
By using a pointer into the array, you can avoid having to multiply the index by 4 and adding it to the base address of the array. This is to save instructions so that the code executes quicker.

Exercise 4 - MiniMax

miniMax: # A procedure to find the minimum and maximum elements of an integer
         # array
         # On entry:
         # $a0 - base address of the array
         # $a1 - number of elements in the array
         # On exit:
         # $v0 - the minimum element
         # $v1 - the maximum element

         addi  $t0, $a0,   4      # Initialize $t0 to the base address of the
                                  # array plus 4. This allows for an addition
                                  # instruction to be removed

                                  # Set $t1 to the address just beyond the
                                  # last element in the array, which is:
         sll   $t1, $a1,    2     # the number of elements multiplied by 4
         add   $t1, $t1,    $a0   # and added to the base address of the array

                                  # $t1 has this odd "beyond the end" value so
                                  # that an addition instruction can be removed

         lw    $v0, -4($t0)       # Initialize $v0 and $v1 to the first element
         addi  $v1, $v0,    0     # in the array. Notice the use of the offset
                                  # field to "look backwards" - we get a "free"
                                  # subtraction operation

loop:    beq   $t0, $t1,    exit  # If $t0 == $t1 then exit the loop

         lw    $t2, 0($t0)        # Load the current element into $t2

         slt   $t3, $t2,    $v0   # If $t2 >= the smallest element so far
         beq   $t3, $zero,  skip1 # then skip the next instruction

         addi  $v0, $t2,    0     # Set $v0 to the current element

skip1:   slt   $t3, $v1,    $t2   # If the largest element so far >= $t2
         beq   $t3, $zero,  skip2 # then skip the next instruction

         addi  $v1, $t2,    0     # Set $v1 to the current element

skip2:   addi  $t0, $t0,    4     # Make $t0 point to the next array element
         j     loop               # Jump to the start of the loop

exit:    jr    $ra                # Return from the procedure

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