CSE 378 Spring 2000


Program #4

Due: Friday May 26

This assignment is the continuation of Program #3. You are going to complete the simulation of the JVM and test your program on a JVM program that you will write yourself.

The JVM machine

The Java Virtual Machine is a stack machine. This means that arithmetic instructions will take their source operands from the top of the stack (popping twice) and store (push) the result on top of the stack. (By convention, the JVM stack grows "upwards'', i.e., towards increasing addresses. In addition to the stack, the JVM provides local storage for variables. The instructions for loading/storing local variables to/from the stack are described below.

Instruction semantics

In Program #3 you were given the syntax of the bytecodes, i.e., the opcode and the type of operands following a given opcode. We now describe the semantics of the bytecodes, i.e., the meaning associated with each opcode.

The arithmetic instructions (IADD,ISUB,IMUL,IDIV) all operate on signed 32-bit integers but you don't have to worry about overflow. For ISUB, the result is (v2 - v1) (v1 is at the top of the stack). For IDIV, the result is the integer quotient of (v2/v1). For IDIV, you don't have to worry about the remainder. For IMUL, you can assume that the result will fit into a single 32-bit word.

The local variable instructions (ILOAD, ISTORE) have a one-byte operand that has to be interpreted as an unsigned index value. This index determines the location (a word) within the local storage area that should be pushed on top of the stack (ILOAD) or Popped from the stack into the location (ISTORE). You may assume that 256 variables will be enough and that this area won't overflow (of course in a real implementation you might have a larger index as well as routines to check for overflow and underflow). Each variable stored in the local storage is a 32-bit signed integer.

The two other local variable instructions (IALOAD, IASTORE) also load/store to/from the stack in a location in local storage but now instead of the index being given in the instruction, the value of the index is the value of the location on top of the stack. That is if the local storage area looks like (the left column is the index, the right column is the contents of the local storage area):


0 17


1 73


2 4


3 27


4 13



and if the stack looks like




19 <---- ``below'' top of the stack


3 <---- top of the stack


(Note that the convention in this example is to have the top of the stack point to the last value pushed on top of the stack.)

The bytecode IALOAD will result in the new stack configuration






27 <---- top of the stack


That is, we have performed something like "POP v1" followed by "Push local(v1)".

IASTORE stores the element below the top of the stack at the local storage location whose index is on the top of the stack. Then the two top entries on the stack are popped. That is, with the same initial conditions as before the IALOAD above, IASTORE would result in


0 17


1 73


2 4


3 19


4 13





214 <---- top of the stack


The (BIPUSH, SIPUSH) are followed respectively by an 8-bit and a 16-bit signed immediate value. When BIPUSH is executed, the 8-bit immediate value is to be sign-extended to 32 bits and Pushed on top of the stack. For SIPUSH, the immediate value is calculated as (immed1 << 8) OR immed2 (where << is a logical left shift) and then sign-extended to 32 bits and Pushed on top of the stack (i.e., "SIPUSH 0x80 0x01'' will push the 32-bit value 0xffff8001 on top of the stack and "SIPUSH 0x01 0x80'' will push the 32-bit value 0x00000180).

The duplicate instructions duplicate the top of the stack (DUP) or the two top locations of the stack (DUP2). With the initial stack:






3 <---- top of the stack


DUP would result in








3 <---- top of the stack


and DUP2 would result in










3 <---- top of the stack


The branch instructions (IFNE, IFEQ, IFLE, IFLT, IFGE, IFGT) compare the top of the stack to the value 0 and then pop the top of the stack. These instructions as well as GOTO are followed by 2 bytes: offset1 and offset2. If the comparison is successful and in the case of the GOTO, the control in the interpreted program is transferred to the instruction whose offset, IN BYTES, relative to the start address of the branch instruction is computed as

(offset1 << 8) OR offset2 (e.g., "GOTO 0x00 0x03'' is a no-op since it transfers to the instruction following the GOTO; "GOTO 0xff 0xfd'' will transfer to the instruction whose start is 3 bytes before the GOTO).

Finally, the POP instruction discards the top of the stack and the IRETURN instruction signals the end of the computation (in this simplified machine we don't have call/return facilities). The value at the top of the stack is popped and used as the return value to the main program.

Your task

Complete the JVM interpreter that you started in Program #3. Recall that the basic structure of the interpreter should be a loop that will go through the 5 steps

Fetch the next bytecode

Decode it

Fetch the operands (if any)

Execute the operation

Store the results (if any)

You should test your interpreter on test programs of your own so that every bytecode is used at least once.

You will turnin in both:

your JVM interpreter function (written in SPIM), and

an array computation program (written in JVM)

The JVM program you have to write is as follows. Assume a vector of values in the local storage, find

the number of elements strictly greater than the last element

the minimum element

the maximum element

the (integer) average of all elements

These results should be put in the first few locations of the local storage area with, of course, the program being in the JVM program area.

The local area should contain (in this order)

the number of elements strictly greater than the last element (initialized to 0)

the minimum element (initialized to 0)

the maximum element (initialized to 0)

the (integer) average of all elements (initialized to 0)

the size of the array

the array itself

(Be careful that the array and the few extra locations that you will need must fit in the local storage area that is limited to 256 locations).

The environment provided to you

The environment is as in Program #3, i.e.,

$a0 the address of the program array (that will contain your test program)

$a1 -- the initial address of the top of the JVM stack

$a2 -- the address of location 0 of the local storage of the JVM