Please submit your SpellChecker.c and count_typos.c from GitLab to the Gradescope HW4 assignment. This is linked through Canvas, or you can go directly through Gradescope.

Commit and Push

Commit your SpellChecker.c and count_typos.c code to your Gitlab repository. Push this to the origin master branch by running git push.

The files you will submit for HW4 should be in a folder named hw4. This hw4 folder needs to be at the top level of your repository.

Submit git repo to Gradescope

From the CSE 374 dashboard, tap on the HW4: Debugging assignment. In the pop-up that appears, do not upload anything and directly tap the “GitLab” button on the bottom:

submit through GitLab

Find your repository in the list and Submit Project. Leave the branch on origin master branch.

submit on Gradescope


Students from past quarters have reported that the “Last Updated” time on Gradescope isn’t frequently updated (the irony!). As long as the changes are visible in your own repository, which you can verify by visitng GitLab, Gradescope will be able to see the latest files just fine.

Once you submit your work, you’ll be shown a waiting page while Gradescope grades your submission. After about a few minutes, the autograder will finish running your code and automatically update the page with the test output and your overall assignment score.