This homework will be worth a total of 40 points. Each script is worth 20 points.
There will be an autograder, AND a manual-grading part for this homework. You are encouraged to resubmit until you earn a higher score on the auto-grading part before the due date. However, we will only do manual grading once, after the late period is over.
Auto-grading part (36 points)¶
You should test for correct scripts, etc., that run with bash
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Scripts should handle arguments with spaces in them and handle errors appropriately with messages and graceful exits.
Error messages should be sent to stderr
, unless otherwise noted. If the error message isn’t prescribed in the assignment, you should choose something reasonable and informative - using standard bash command output is a good idea.
Manual-grading part (4 points)¶
Identifying information, including your name, CSE 374 Homework, and the date, should appear as comments in each of your files.
Use good style, including indentation and line breaks. Refer to the Shell Style Guide for hints on style.
The good style also includes some commenting, including a brief description of the script purpose and often a comment ahead of major code blocks describing their operation.
Make sure the commands are written as simply as possible. In other words, look up commands that may help you do some work, such as counting.