
This assignment asks you to exercise basic bash commands and activities. You will submit via Gradescope and may re-submit after viewing the initial auto-grading output. The goal is to ensure that every student has some fundamental shell skills.

This assignment will not teach you all the commands you may need to complete this course. You should use the Linux Pocket Guide and the Linux man command or the online version of the Linux man pages to find specific commands needed to answer these questions. Use the Pocket Guide to read about related commands and topics.

Google is also useful for locating things, but you need to learn your way around the Guide and the standard Linux documentation, which should be your primary source. Be aware that some answers returned by Google are misleading, so use it more for finding the correct direction than for the entire solution.

If you run into any trouble or any errors, post on Ed (with a screenshot of your error and any relevant details) or come to office hours and we can work together to figure it out.


  1. Setup - Set up your seaside machine for programming in CSE 374.
  2. Scripting - Complete the actual scripting component of this homework.
  3. Assessment - Explains how this homework will be graded.
  4. Submission - Explains waht and how to turn in this homework.