# CSE 374 Makefile exampmle for the talk/speak/shout program. # Version 1: Basic # When we just run "make", what gets built? This is a "phony" target # that just tells make what other targets to build. all: talk # The executable talk: main.o speak.o shout.o gcc -Wall -std=c11 -g -o talk main.o speak.o shout.o # Individual source files speak.o: speak.c speak.h gcc -Wall -std=c11 -g -c speak.c shout.o: shout.c shout.h speak.h gcc -Wall -std=c11 -g -c shout.c main.o: main.c speak.h shout.h gcc -Wall -std=c11 -g -c main.c # A "phony" target to remove built files and backups clean: rm -f *.o talk *~