Lecture Topics

March 30 Orientation & Distance Learning
April 1 Using Linux
Shell history
Linux demo
April 3 Emacs and I/O Redirection
Slides, Shell history
Emacs motivation, Emacs demo
alias demo
April 6 I/O Redirection and Scripts
shiftdemo script, dcdls script
Shell exercise description, Exercise demo
April 8 Shell Variables and Scripting
lecture four demonstration script, fibo script, sdel script
April 10 Regular expressions and Grep
Slides, shell history
RegEx Tester, RegEx Crosswords
April 13 Regex and sed
numberslist shell history
April 15 Introduction to C
Slides, hello.c
April 17 C: control, declarations, preprocessor
Slides, magic.c, printargs.c, square1.c
April 20 C: More pointers
Slides, argumentdemo.c, dangling.c, pointeradd.c
April 22 C: Pointer arithmetic, memory management
Slides, dangling.c, pointeradd.c, mystery.c
mystery1.c, mystery2.c, mystery3.c, mystery4.c
April 24 C: Debugging (Guest Lecture: Andrew Hu)
Slides, factorial.c, factorial.c(Fixed), reverse.c, reverse.c(Fixed), mysterynum.c
April 27 C: the Heap, malloc
Slides, fopen.c, fgets.c
April 29 C: datatypes, structs, linked lists
point.c, linkedlist.c
typedef reading
May 1 C: Trees
linkedlist.c, linkedlist.h, linkedlistclient.c
May 4 More pre-processor, multiple files
Slides, debug.c, twice.c
May 6 Make and Build Dependencies
Slides, main.c, speak.c, shout.c speak.h, shout.h
Makefile1, Makefile2
May 8 Testing
Slides, curve.c, test.c, curve.h db.h
May 11 Version control and git
May 13 Software Specification & HW 6
May 15 Buffer Overflows
Slides, buffover.c
May 18 Variable types and storage / hexadecimal
Slides, hexdemo.c
May 20 Intro to C++
Slides, hello.cpp
May 22 C++ Classes
Slides, People.cpp, People.h,
String.cpp, String.h
May 27 C++ Inheritance
Slides, main.cpp
BankAccount.h, BankAccount.cpp, SavingsAccount.h, SavingsAccount.h,
Mystery.cpp, VirtualMystery.cpp
May 29 Function Pointers and Concurrency
Slides, int1.c, int2.c, pthreadex.c
June 1 Concurrency cont.
Slides, banking.h, banking.cpp
June 3 Profiling
Slides, particleswarm.h, particleswarm.c, mainopt.c, Makefile
June 5 Review