Due: Friday, April 21, 11:59pm
NOTE: This assignments is credit / no credit, and therefore resubmission are not accepted.
In this assignment you will get some practice using Gitlab, including retrieving a repository, editing a page in a repository, and pushing to the central database. In addition, this assignment allows you to review some of the material we have learned to date in CSE 374.
git clone git@gitlab.cs.washington.edu:mh75/cse374-materials.git
git clone git@gitlab.cs.washington.edu:cse374-23sp-students/cse374-23sp.git
The purpose of these assignments is to give you practice using Git. You will recieve credit for any submission meeting the criteria specified above. The base assignment is worth 10 points.
In order to submit this assignment you will push code to master on GitLab. You must be logged in with your username, as we will verify submissions by looking at commit records.