PROJECT: Homework 4

Due: Friday, May 5, 2022 11:59pm

You may not drop this project assignment

Assignment Goal

In this assignment we will put our skills together. You will get more practice shell scripting, using regular expressions, and integrating different types of processes. In particularly, you will use grep and sed. You will also learn about accessing files from the web and how to incorporate a C executable and an R script into your work.

Hints and Tips

Taken in its entirety this assignment may seem quite long. You are encouraged to read through the described approach which is designed to break the assignment into managable pieces. By completing and testing each piece independently you will be successful in the overall project.


In addition to the lecture notes, you may find "The Linux Pocket Guide" a useful reference for completing this assignment.

Online manuals:

In general, whenever you need to use a new tool, you should get into the habit of looking for documentation online. There are usually good tutorials and examples that you can learn from. As you work on this assignment, if you find that you would like more information about a tool (sed, grep, or R), try searching for the name of the tool or the name of the tool followed by keywords such as "tutorial" or "documentation". Also be sure to use the regular Unix documentation (man pages and info command), and experiment with commands to try out various options and see what they do.

Implementation Details


You realize that there are a lot of lines of code contained in all the sample code for this course. You want to get a handle on how big the normal sample C module is. In order to do this you plan to use your recently created wordcount executable to measure the size of the files. Then you have an R script that will let you look for any patterns in the files sizes.

To get started you use the course lectures web page, which you know lists all the source code files for each lecture. While you could download and analyze each file individually, you'd like to automate the process using shell scripts. You will write one script to find all the applicable source code URLs, a second script to obtain data about a single file, and then a third script that combines the first two scripts with your R analysis.

Part 1: Extract the code URLS from the main webpage

You are going to use this year's course webpage lecture list, which you know you can download using wget To run an experiment automatically on each C file on this page, you need to extract each of the file URLs and write them into a text file. There are several ways in which this can be done, and different utilities (sed, grep) can help.

For this class, you must use grep and/or sed even if you know other programs or languages (awk, perl, python, ...) that could do similar things in different ways. But it's fine to use egrep and extended regular expressions in sed and grep if you wish.

In a file calledgeturls, write a script that extracts the URLs and writes them into a text file. The script should take two arguments: the name of the output file for results and the name of the input html file. You want to extract ONLY the URLs for C code files. (And, even if you notice a pattern for these files you want to rely on your extraction code to retrieve them.)

For example, executing:

    $ ./geturls urllist lecturelist.html

Should write content similar to the following into urllist:

If the user provides fewer than 2 arguments, the script should print an error message and exit with a return code of 1.

If the text file provided as argument (for the output) exists, the script should overwrite it with a warning, and the continue processing.

If the html file provided as argument (for the input) does not exist, the script should print an appropriate error message and exit with a return code of 1.
You may want to consider what this would look like if you allowed for multiple input files, but you only need to implement the code to handle one.

If the script does not report any errors, it should exit with a return code of 0.

Hints: step-by-step instructions

  1. You can view the lectures page in a web browser to see what is there, and if you right-click and 'inspect' you can see which html code is associated with which part of the page.
  2. Use grep to find all the lines that contain a link to a C file, perhaps in combination with the string href. You might investigate the only-matching option for grep. Test if it works (does it return the lines with the code links in them?) before proceeding to step 2. You will ultimately pipe the output of this grep search into step 2.
  3. Use sed to edit the lines that are found by grep and remove any text that comes before or after the actual URL. You may also need to add some text to make the results into valid URLs. There are different ways to use sed to do this, but we request that you use a pattern to isolate the file name. (In other words, search for the file name, not any common text that comes before or after it.)
    NOTE: You may use a single sedcommand, or multiple commands strung together with pipes.
  4. Test if everything works - does your final list of URLs look correct, or do you need different replacement text? Once you have measurepage working you can double check this again - are most of the URLs you found real files?

Part 2: Download a page and compute its size

In a file called measurepage, write a bash script that takes a URL as an argument and outputs the size of the corresponding page in words.

For example, executing your script with the URL of hello.c on the class website as argument:

$ measurepage

should output only 31 to standard output:


(This number was correct at the time this assignment was prepared, but might be somewhat different if the file is modified some time in the future.)

If the user does not provide any arguments, the script should print an appropriate error message and exit with a return code of 1.

If the user provides an erroneous argument or if downloading the requested page fails for any other reason, the script should simply print the number "0" (zero). In this case, or if the page is downloaded successfully, the script should exit with a return code of 0 after printing the number to to standard output.


Part 3: Run the experiment by measuring each webpage

To perform the experiment, your need to execute the script measurepage on each URL inside the fileurllist. Once again, you would like to do this automatically with a script.

In a file called runanalysis, write a shell script that:

Since the course page is relatively small, you should be able to debug your scripts by working with the actual pages for this year. However, it will be useful to set up a test case for error checking. For example:

$ echo > testurls
$ echo >> testurls
$ echo >> testurls
$ runanalysis dataout testurls
Replacing dataout
Performing word count measurement on
Performing word count measurement on
Performing word count measurement on

And the content of dataout should be similar to the ones below. Note that the exact values may change over time!

$ cat dataout
  1 43
  2 94

Part 4: Put all the parts together and generate a plot

It is hard to understand the results just by looking at a list of numbers, so you would like to produce a graph. More specifically, you would like to produce a scatterplot, where the x-axis will show the url number and the y-axis will show the size of the index page.

Luckily, you've used R for some of your statistics courses, so you find a script called scatterplot.R (Right click to download scatterplot.R). Note that this script expects your experimental results to be stored in a file called dataout, so you'll need to name your output file accordingly.

You will procude a plot by calling the R script at the command line. You can make sure your system has R installed by typing R --version at your command prompt. If it is not installed, you will may need to install it.

The script should produce a file called scatterplot_out.jpg. You can view this file with any image viewer.

Part 5: Write-up

You will want to submit one more file, by following these steps

  1. Start a new transcript: script hw4.script
  2. Enter echo $USER or echo $USERNAME (depending on your system).
  3. Enter a command to add the current directory (.) to your PATH
    You can test this by trying to call a script without the ./ in front of it's name
  4. Enter echo $PATH
  5. In order, execute the commands to run through a complete analysis once the scripts are done
    This should be around four lines, and include downloading the original html file.
  6. exit to stop recording your steps.
  7. Re-open the hw4.script file in a text editor, and add the following info:
  8. A brief statement about any trends you see in the data based on the scatter plot. Do these trends allow you to draw any conclusions?
  9. Notice that the R script also prints a series of numbers to the terminal when it runs. Include a brief description of what these numbers represent. (You will want to look a the R script itself for help with this.)


Notice that this assignment is a PROJECT, which means it is not eligible to be dropped at the end of the quarter.

Turning In

Please submit your files via Gradescope. You may upload multiple individual files. You will need to submit geturls, measurepage, runanalysis, scatterplot-out.jpg, and hw4.script. We will evaluate using our own copy of wordcount.

There will be an autograder in place that will do much of the evaluation, but there will be additional manual grading to evaluate style and your analysis in the write-up. You may resubmit your homework as many times as you like up to the initial due-date.