CSE 374: Programming Concepts and Tools - Spring 2020

Course Information

Course goal:

There is an amorphous set of things computer scientists know about and novice programmers don’t. Knowing them empowers you in computing, lessens the “friction” of learning in other classes, and makes you a mature programmer. The goal is to give you a sense of what's out there and what you can expect – and how you can learn more later when you need to.


Megan Hazen: mh75 [at] cs.washington.edu

Staff email:

cse374-staff [at] cs.washington.edu
(Please use this email for the quickest response)

Andrew Hu andrewhu [at] uw.edu
Cynthia Zhang Lingyue lingyz3 [at] uw.edu
Sujie Zhou sujiez [at] uw.edu
Dixon Tirtayadi dixontir [at] uw.edu
Keith Jiang jiangz34 [at] uw.edu
Simon McFarlane smcf [at] uw.edu

Office hours:

Please refer to Canvas for meeting info. Additional times are available upon request.


This course is entirely online for Spring 2020. Students will be expected to sign into Zoom lectures (which will also be available for reviewing afterwards). Additional work will include reading material, and assignments detailed on this web page and Canvas.


09:30 - 10:20 MWF