Lecture 24 — inheritance in C++
final exam topics
x86-64 assembly
integer representation
concurrency (next week)
exercise: bank account class
class BankAccount {
public: // public interface
// constructor BankAccount(int acctnum, int initial_balance);
// methods void deposit(int howmuch); int get_balance(); int get_account();
// instance variables private: int number; int balance;
#include "BankAccount.h"
// constructors BankAccount::BankAccount(int acctnum, int initial_balance){ balance = initial_balance; number = acctnum; }
// member functions
void BankAccount::deposit(int howmuch) { balance += howmuch; }
int BankAccount::get_balance() { return balance; }
int BankAccount::get_account() { return number; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
#include "BankAccount.h"
int main() { // stack allocated object BankAccount mine(17,42); cout << "my account num = " << mine.get_account() << ", balance = " << mine.get_balance() << endl;
// heap allocated object BankAccount *yours = new BankAccount(1,0); yours->deposit(1000000); cout << "your account num = " << yours->get_account() << ", balance = " << yours->get_balance() << endl; delete yours;
return 0; }
we have a class A with methods m1 and m2
we have a class B that is a subclass of A that overrides methods m1 and m2
in the following main function, which methods are actually called?
int main() { A* x = new B(); x->m1(); x->m2(); }
answer: it depends
C++ lets you choose which methods will be called in which situations as part of the class definition
lots of control, but added complexity
public single inheritance
a base class has a set of public data and methods
these can be inherited by a derived class
class Student : public Person { … }
like Java, private data and methods are not inherited
base class constructor invoked in the initializer list
e.g., Student::Student(string name, string school) : Person(name) { … }
initializer list can include more than just base class constructor (see property example files)
a base class method can be overridden in the derived class by providing a definition with the same name and type
#include <iostream> using namespace std;
class A { public: void m1() { cout << "a1"; } virtual void m2() { cout << "a2"; } };
class B : public A { void m1() { cout << "b1"; } void m2() { cout << "b2"; } };
int main() { A* x = new B(); x->m1(); x->m2(); }
B overrides both methods it inherits from A
dynamic dispatch
how does C++ decide what version of an overridden method to call?
through the use of the virtual keyword
when a method is called at runtime, there are two possibilities
(1) choose the version of the method according to the type of the pointer
(2) choose the version of the method according to the actual type of underlying object
if the base class method was declared virtual, option (2) is used
otherwise, option (1) is used
exercise: what does main print out in the above code?
inheritance considered harmful (rant)
an object is a combination of data and methods that use that data
inheritance causes this to be split across multiple files
to understand the behavior of any derived class, the entire class hierarchy must be inspected
what do we actually want when we use inheritance?
code reuse
being able to treat a heterogenous set of objects all as the same base class type
most of the time, we can get these things without using traditional inheritance
alternatives to inheritance
code reuse
want class B to borrow functionality from class A?
put an instance of class A inside class B
achieve in C++ through pure virtual functions
int foo(int a, int b) = 0;
results in an abstract class (cannot have an instance, derived class must implement)
a lot more inheritance craziness in C++
private and protected inheritance
multiple inheritance