Lecture 21 — control flow in x86 assembly
arithmetic exercise
generate x86-64 assembly to compute the expression a*b + c*d
the final result should be stored in %rax
a is in %rcx b is in %rdx c is in %rsi d is in %rdi
it should take no more than 4 instructions
imulq %rdx, %rcx imulq %rdi, %rsi addq %rsi, %rcx movq %rcx, %rax or imulq %rdx, %rcx imulq %rdi, %rsi leaq (%rsi, %rcx), %rax
what is a C expression equivalent to the following assembly sub %rsi,%rdi mov %rdi,%rax shl $0x4,%rax add %rdi,%rax
%rsi holds a variable b %rdi holds a variable a
17 * (a - b)
control flow
jump instructions are how things like ifs and loops are achieved in assembly
a jump instruction takes as an argument a memory address and then may set the instruction pointer to that address
most jump instructions depend on the value of one or more condition codes
condition codes
processor has 1-bit flags that get set based on the result of arithmetic instructions
carry flag (CF) set if carry out from most significant bit
used for unsigned
zero flag (ZF) set if the result is zero
sign flag (SF) set if the result is negative
overflow flag (OF) set if there is two’s complement (signed) overflow
for addq
operands are positive, result is negative
operands are negative, result is positive
function with an if statement
-Og vs -O1 vs -O2
factorial exercise
aside: can refer to lower-order bits of registers by using different names
for example, %eax is the lower 32 bits of register %rax
note the uses for each register
int fact(int n) { int r = 1; while(n > 1) r *= n; n--; } return r; }
0000000000400616 <fact>: 400616: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax 40061b: eb 06 jmp 400623 <fact+0xd> 40061d: 0f af c7 imul %edi,%eax 400620: 83 ef 01 sub $0x1,%edi 400623: 83 ff 01 cmp $0x1,%edi 400626: 7f f5 jg 40061d <fact+0x7> 400628: f3 c3 retq
trace the series of instructions, register values, and condition codes for fact(3)