Lecture 20 — addressing and arithmetic in x86 assembly
hw5 questions
should freemem make sure it’s argument is a valid pointer previously allocated by getmem?
no, freemem should check for NULL, but otherwise just assume the argument is valid
how do you store the memory for each block?
the memory is not stored explicitly anywhere
when you have a pointer to a block header, you actually have a pointer to the start of a larger block of memory
you just happen to be using the first 16 bytes of that memory as your header struct
how does the free list get started?
declare global variable that points to first block on the list in mem_impl.h
check if this pointer is NULL at the start of getmem
if so, use malloc to create the first block on the list
how does bench work?
for each trial (of which there are ntrials), generate a random number to decide if this trial will be a call to getmem or freemem
there should be a pctget chance of choosing a getmem call
if it’s getmem, generate a second random number to choose whether the request will be large or small, and a third random number to choose the exact size
if it’s freemem, generate a second random number to choose which previous allocation to free
if there are no previous allocations, do nothing, but still count it as a trial
memory: address value 0x100 0xFF 0x104 0xAB 0x108 0x13 0x10C 0x11
registers register value %rax 0x100 %rcx 0x1 %rdx 0x3
what is the value of the following operands:
0x100 // register
0xAB // absolute address
0x108 // immediate
0xFF // address 0x100
0xAB // address 0x104
understanding swap
complete addressing mode
D: constant integer offset (“displacement”)
Rb: base register (any)
Ri: index register (any except %rsp)
S: scale (1, 2, 4, or 8)
retrieves value at memory location Rb + S•Ri + D
parameters have default values when omitted
for (Rb, Ri), S=1 and D=0
for D(, Ri, S), Rb=0
for D(Rb), Ri=0
using the memory and register values from previous exercise, what is the value of following operands:
9(%rax, %rdx)
0x11 // 0x9 + 0x100 + 0x3 = address 0x10C
260(%rcx, %rdx)
0x13 // 260 = 0x104, 0x104 + 0x1 = 0x3 = address 0x108
0xFC( , %rcx, 4)
0xFF // 0xFC + 0x4 * 0x1 = address 0x100
(%rax, %rdx, 4)
0x11 // 0x100 + 0x4 * 0x3 = address 0x10C
leaq Src, Dest
load effective address
Src is address expression (any of those discussed above)
Dest is a register
sets Dest to address computed by expression
example: leaq (%rdx,%rcx,4), %rax
computing address without actually going to memory
e.g., translation of p = &x
arithmetic of the form x + k*i
for k = 1, 2, 4, or 8
Does leaq go to memory? NO
it just “does the math” to computer an address
leaq vs movq example
unary instructions (take one argument)
incq D: D ← D + 1
decq D: D ← D - 1
negq D: D ← -D
notq D: D ← ~D
binary instructions (take two arguments)
addq S,D: D ← D + S
subq S,D: D ← D - S
imulq S,D: D ← D * S
xorq S,D: D ← D ^ S
orq S,D: D ← D | S
andq S,D: D ← D & S
salq k,D: D ← D << k
sarq k,D: D ← D >> k
long arith (long x, long y, long z) { long t1 = x+y; long t2 = z+t1; long t3 = x+4; long t4 = y * 48; long t5 = t3 + t4; long rval = t2 * t5; return rval; }
arith: leaq (%rdi,%rsi), %rax addq %rdx, %rax leaq (%rsi,%rsi,2), %rdx salq $4, %rdx leaq 4(%rdi,%rdx), %rcx imulq %rcx, %rax ret
using the same memory and register values as previous exercises
determine the destination and the value that will be stored at that destination for the following instructions
addq %rcx, (%rax)
0x100 (0xFF + 0x1) stored at 0x100
subq %rdx, 4(%rax)
0xA8 (0xAB - 0x3) stored at 0x104
imulq $16, (%rax, %rdx, 4)
0x110 (0x10 * 0x11) stored at 0x10C
incq 8(%rax)
0x14 stored at 0x108
decq %rcx
0x0 (0x1 - 0x1) stored at %rcx
subq %rdx, %rax
0xFD (0x100 - 0x3) stored at %rax