V Lecture 19 — machine code and x86 assembly
V historical perspective
V early computers were programmed directly in machine code
* instructions has to be simple (single instruction for adding two integers)
V assemblers allowed programming in human readable syntax
* still simple instructions
V languages like C provide a higher level of abstraction
* a single C statement may compile to many assembly instructions
V instruction set architecture (or just architecture)
* the design of a processor
* determines what is visible to software (i.e., the hardware-software interface)
V we will be looking at x86-64
* dominant architecture among modern processors
V why assembly?
V Chances are, you’ll never write a program in assembly code
* Compilers are much better and more patient than you are
V But: understanding assembly is the key to the machine-level
execution model
* optimizations (understanding those done by the compiler, doing your own)
* implementing system software
* fighting malicious software
V assembly programmer’s view
V a register is a location in the CPU that stores a small amount of data, which can be accessed very quickly
* registers have names, not addresses
* no types, everything is just bytes
V x86-64 assembly
V three basic kinds of instructions
* transfer data between registers and memory
* perform arithmetic on data from registers or memory
* transfer control: set what instruction to execute next
V moving data
V movx Source, Dest
V where x is one of
* b (byte, movb copies 1 byte)
* w (word, movw copies 2 bytes)
* l (long word, movl copies 4 bytes)
* q (quad word, movq copies 8 bytes)
V operand types
V immediate: constant integer data
* prefix with $
* $0x400, $-533
V register: name of a register
* %rax, %r13
* %rsp reserved for special use
V memory: 8 consecutive bytes of memory at address given by value in a register
* simplest example: (%rax)
V movq operand combinations
V x86 does not allow memory-to-memory in a single instruction — how would you do it?
* two instructions, one from memory to register, then one from register to memory
V basic addressing modes
V indirect: (R) where the value of register R specifies the memory address
* movq (%rcx), %rax
V displacement: D(R) where R specifies memory address and D is a constant offset from that address
* movq 8(%rbp), %rdx
V swap example
* void swap (long *xp, long *yp) {
long t0 = *xp;
long t1 = *yp;
*xp = t1;
*yp = t0;
* swap:
movq (%rdi), %rax
movq (%rsi), %rdx
movq %rdx, (%rdi)
movq %rax, (%rsi)