Lecture 16 — memory management, hw5
how do malloc and free work?
operating system provides system calls
a system call is a function programs use to request things from the operating system
these handle large chunks of contiguous memory
for example brk and sbrk in Linux
both modify the size of the heap, giving a program more or less memory to work with
this is clumsy and very low-level, which is why the C standard library give us nicer functions to work with
free list
the data structure you will use in hw5 to support your versions of malloc and free
linked list of available blocks of memory
each block knows its size and the location of the next block
blocks kept in order of ascending memory address
for each request, scan down the list for a block large enough to fulfill the request
remove the block from the list and return it
what if the block is much larger than the request?
split the block in two, returning one of appropriate size
to free a block, find where it should go in the list by memory address and insert it
combine it with previous and next blocks if they are adjacent
important to prevent fragmentation
How will we keep track of the size of a block?
struct free_block { uintptr_t size; struct free_block *next; };
each block will have a struct like this as a header
when we return a block, we’ll actually return a pointer to the part of the block past the header
this way, the header will still be intact when the block is freed
where will your free list get its initial memory? How will your free list get more memory if it doesn’t have a big enough block?
block addresses made up to be convenient rather than realistic
example: request 100 bytes block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
block1 is returned, no splitting needed: block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
address returned: 0x080
exercise: request 10 bytes block0 @ 0x000, size 64 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
block0 @ 0x020, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes or block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
block0 can be split two different ways
address returned: 0x010 or 0x040
exercise: request 200 bytes block0 @ 0x0000, size 64 bytes block1 @ 0x0700, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x8000, size 64 bytes
block0 @ 0x0000, size 64 bytes block1 @ 0x0700, size 112 bytes block3 @ 0x1000, size 3872 bytes block2 @ 0x8000, size 64 bytes
new 4-kilobyte (4096-byte) block of memory allocated via malloc (arbitrarily assumed address of 0x1000), placed in the appropriate position in the list, and then split to satisfy the request
block addresses made up to be convenient rather than realistic
example: freeing 0x040 (block @ 0x030, size 32 bytes) block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block @ 0x030, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes coalesce to get block0 @ 0x000, size 80 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
0x000 + 0x10 (for header) + 0x20 (size of block0) = 0x030, so we combine block0 and block
0x000 + 0x10 + 0x50 = 0x060, so we don’t need to combine block0 and block1
exercise: freeing 0x100 (block @ 0x0f0, size 16 bytes) block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 112 bytes block2 @ 0x110, size 64 bytes
block0 @ 0x000, size 32 bytes block1 @ 0x070, size 224 bytes
0x070 + 0x10 (for header) + 0x70 (size of block1) = 0x0f0, so we combine block1 and block
0x070 + 0x10 (for header) + 0x90 (size of block0) = 0x110, so we combine block1 and block2
could combine these in either order
future topics
lecture going over midterm?
stack smashing