Lecture 15 — git
source control concepts
source control is a way to organize and coordinate development of a set of source files
repository (repo for short)
an instance of the stored files
a log of all the changes to the files
potentially other metadata
updates to files in the repo are represented as deltas — the set of changes that were made
the user controls when a set of changes officially becomes part of the repo
at some point the user will commit changes, which incorporates them into the repo’s log
only committed changes can be shared with other users
distributed vs centralized
centralized has a single authoritative repo, all changes go through this repo
decentralized treats all repos as equal — more flexibility, but less structure
faster because there’s no need to check with a central server
can use decentralized as if it were centralized (what you will do for hw5)
graph structure
history of a repo can be represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
each commit adds a node to the graph
each commit must be applied to some existing node
branches allow for parallel development
new features, experiments, specialized version
a merge occurs when multiple nodes converge
multiple users have each made changes and now they must be combined
We’ll be using CSE’s GitLab
set up ssh key for each machine you want to connect
git commands
git clone
set up your own copy of an existing repo
git init to initialize a new repo in an existing folder
git status
display the status of your local repo
files that have been changed, added, removed
files that are not currently part of the repo
git diff
display what changes have been made
git checkout
git checkout -- FILENAME to throw away local changes
omit FILENAME to throw away all local changes
git add
git treats changes as being in one of three states
(1) not staged for commit
(2) staged for commit
(3) committed
git add FILENAME moves changes to FILENAME from (1) to (2), staging them for commit
this allows you to commit only some of the changes you have made
git commit
git commit -m “commit message” makes all staged changes officially part of your repo
git push
sends your commits to another repo
your repo must be up to date, so git pull beforehand
git log
view the history of the repo
git pull
fetches updates from another repo and merges them into your local repo
a merge conflict might occur if you and someone else have made changes in the same part of a file
conflicts will be shown in the conflicted files themselves with <<<<<<< HEAD … your version here … ======= … their version here … >>>>>>> master
you must manually resolve all conflicts and then add and commit the merged files
memory management (Friday’s lecture)
required to do it in a team of 2
mean and median: 44 of 72
standard deviation: 10