Lecture 12 — more memory management, hw4, header files
reminder: check remaining late days, no credit for late work
midterm review 2 - 3 p.m. on Saturday, room TBD
heap allocation review
picture of memory
void *malloc(size_t size)
void* calloc (size_t num, size_t size);
takes the number of things and the size of each thing as separate parameters
initializes all the allocated memory with zeros
use sizeof to allocate memory for non-char types
void free(void *ptr)
if we have typedef struct { char *str; int len; } String;
exercise: what is the size of String?
8 bytes for char* + 4 bytes for int = 12 bytes
we allocate one like this String *s = malloc(sizeof(*s));
of an array of them like this String *s = malloc(10 * sizeof(*s)); or this String *s = calloc(10, sizeof(*s));
be aware: with malloc, you will need to initialize members to null if you want to be able to check if they have been initialized
in any case, free the memory like this free(s);
be aware: this does not allocate memory for the characters of str, just memory for the pointer itself
exercise: where is the memory leak?
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int **matrix; matrix = malloc (3 * sizeof (*matrix)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { matrix[i] = malloc(5 * sizeof(*matrix[i])); } free(matrix); }
free is shallow, so while the memory allocated to matrix is freed, the memory allocated to the elements of matrix is not
header files
why would we want the ability to separate code into multiple files
more readable, maintainable
header files (.h files) are how you share code between .c files
struct definitions, function prototypes (declarations), #defines, and #includes
no function definitions (leave that to the appropriate .c file)
putting the #include target in " " searches the current directory (< > searches the standard library)
can think of .h vs .c as public vs private
.h in some ways provide an interface
to avoid problems with double inclusion or mutually recursive inclusion, use #ifndef
Any header file, such as some_header.h, should begin with #ifndef SOME_HEADER_H #define SOME_HEADER_H // actual header code #endif
#ifdef and #ifndef are an example of conditional compilation
the preprocessor uses or discards the enclosed code accordingly
tests whether something has been #define-ed (or not)
exercise: write a function debug_printf(char *format_str) that uses the preprocessor define DEBUG to determine whether it prints anything
void debug_printf(char *output) { #ifdef DEBUG printf(output); #endif return; }
you can even set something to be defined as part of the gcc command with -D
gcc -D Debug …
homework 4
Implement the T9 (text on 9 keys) system, without the predictive part
so just the ability to encode words as a series of digits 2-9
interactive command-line program
729 -> ‘paw’
729# -> ‘pax’
729## -> ‘pay’
core idea: represent this dictionary using a tree-based data structure called a trie
the position of a node in the tree defines the key at that node
trie data structure
struct representing a node (recursive data structure)
trie.h — declarations
trie.c — implementation
#include “trie.h”
probably shouldn’t define any structs, additional functions, etc.