Lecture 7 — Introduction to C, pointers
hw2 questions
C, whirlwind tour
Java borrowed much of C’s syntax, so a lot of it will be familiar
same control flow
if, for, while, switch
{ } denote code blocks
; at the end of each statement
two primary differences
operations in C are more similar to what the computer is actually doing (compared to Java)
this is what people mean when they say C is a “lower-level” language
end result: you have to take care of more things yourself (e.g., memory)
procedural programming
no objects, all computation takes place inside functions
data types
char (1 byte), int (4 bytes)
char is like Java’s byte, usually used to hold ASCII characters
int can be short or long
short int = 2 bytes
long int = 8 bytes
char and int can be signed (default) or unsigned
int ranges from -2 billion to +2 billion
unsigned int ranges from 0 to 4 billion
exercise: what would char and unsigned char range from?
-128 to 127, 0 to 255
floating point
float (4 bytes), double (8 bytes), long double (16 bytes)
arrays and structs (more later)
computer memory
physical vs virtual
machines have a finite amount of memory available to running processes
processes don’t get to manage this themselves
operating system provides illusion that every process has its own identical chunk of memory
OS takes care of linking this virtual memory up with the physical memory
prevents processes from messing up each other’s memory
each cell of memory has an address
in virtual memory, addresses always go from 0 to 2^64 (on a 64-bit system)
exercise: how many bits do we need to represent an address
an address will take 64 bits
C pointers
each piece of data in a C program (or any program) is stored at a specific location in memory
we say this location is the “address” of that data
this was true in Java, but in C, we can work directly with these addresses
a pointer is simply the address of some data
draw result of int a = 5;
we can have variables that hold the address of some data
draw result of int *ptr = &a;
ptr is the location of a
*ptr is the value of a (called dereferencing)
what is the result of int b = *ptr;
b is now 5
how about a = a + *ptr;
a is now 10
pointers can also be used to modify the data they point to
*ptr = 8; sets the value of a to 8
pointers can be reassigned like any variable
exercise: difference between ptr = &b; and ptr* = b;
first set ptr to contain the location of b
second changes the value of what ptr points to to be the value of b
exercise: does ptr = b; make any sense?
ptr now points to the memory location 5
will result in undefined behavior if ptr is dereferenced (probably segmentation fault)
swap example
write a function to swap two integers