
MWF 12:30-1:20 pm, BAG 131


Final Grades

Discussion Board

For most things the discussion board is the best way to communicate. If you need to reach the course staff via email for something that is not appropriate for the discussion board please send mail to cse374-staff[at]cs rather than sending mail to individual staff members.

Course Staff Information

Name email[at]cs Office Hours
Laura Campbell campbell CSE 350, Monday 2-3pm and by appointment (send email).
Soumya Vasisht vasisht CSE 220, Wednesday 3-4pm and Friday 2-3pm
Megan Campbell meganca CSE 021, Tuesday noon-1:00pm (basement of Allen Center)
Zhiting Zhu zzt0215 CSE 021, Thursday 4:30-5:30pm (basement of Allen Center)