CSE 374 Wi13 Linux Resources

This is a collection of resources to get you up and running with Linux for CSE 374 and reference sources to use during the quarter. Please post suggestions for additions or changes on the discussion board or mail them to the course staff.

  • x86-64 Linux for CSE 374 - using virtual machines and the shared klaatu.cs.washington.edu machine.
  • CSE home VM - information about getting your own CSE Linux virtual machine

Book: Linux Pocket Guide by Daniel Barrett - textbook for CSE 374. Either edition is fine. If you know your way around this book you should have more than enough Linux/Unix background for this course.

Basic linux notes (written for CSE 351 so some details are different, but most of it is directly usable).

Stanford CS library: Unix Programming Tools

Online references:

And for a different point of view, The Unix-Haters Handbook (for when you're feeling frustrated?)