or at their individual
addresses. Particularly relevant questions may be answered on the
class mailing list for everyone's benefit. Email addresses are as
Brad Chamberlain, instructor | brad@cs.washington.edu |
A.J. Bernheim Brush, TA | ajb@cs.washington.edu |
Sun Liang, TA | sunliang@cs.washington.edu |
all three of us | cse373-staff@cs.washington.edu |
. This list will be used by the
course staff to make official class-related announcements. The list
is also for student discussion, but please keep in mind that your mail
will be sent to several dozen people -- don't send answers to homework
questions or personal messages to the entire mailing list. All mail
sent to the class mailing list is archived.
To subscribe to the class mailing list, send mail to majordomo@cs.washington.edu
subscribe cse373in the body (not the subject) of the message.