Goals: This programming assignment has two goals: (1) to make sure that everyone's programming environment and skills are up-to-speed before we reach assignments that are conceptually more difficult; and (2) to experimentally observe primary and secondary performance effects as discussed in lecture.
Your Mission: You will write a program that searches for a target value within a pre-sorted input array using a variety of search algorithms that have different primary and secondary performance effects. You will time the worst case running time for each of these search algorithms across a range of problem sizes to demonstrate their asymptotic behavior. We will provide you with a set of timing routines with which to complete this task. Your primary job is to write the search algorithms, gather the timing data, and see if it matches your predictions. Along the way you will have to use file I/O and dynamic memory allocation -- skills that we'll be relying on throughout the quarter.
The Program: Your program should work as follows:
The Experiment: Once you've verified that your search
algorithms are working, perform runs of your program that exhibit the
worst-case behavior for each of your algorithms (note that different
algorithms may have different worst-case inputs). Do this for
a variety of increasing problem sizes until you reach one that either
takes a painfully long time to complete (say, a minute) or causes you
to run out of memory (your call to new
Experimental Write-up: Write this up as though it was an
informal lab:
Setup: Give the details of your experimental setup: List the algorithms you implemented, their expected asymptotic running times, the problem sizes you ran, the worst case input you used, and anything else relevent to your approach.
Results: Plot your results on a graph showing time vs. problem size. This does not need to be done in any fancy way -- graph paper and pencil will suffice if you're careful about it.
Observations: Did the algorithms demonstrate the expected asymptotic behaviors? Did secondary effects cause differences between algorithms whose asymptotic behaviors were the same? Were these differences significant?
What we're looking for Again: one of the main goals for this assignment is to get everyone programming and comfortable with things we'll be using throughout the quarter: dynamic memory allocation, input parameters, file I/O, etc. Your grade will primarily be based on the correctness and clarity of your program and the content of your writeup, not the beauty of your graphs, or the measured asymptotic behavior of your implementation, or the number of pages in your writeup. In most respects, a neat, concise report is much more impressive than a huge sprawling one. If you have any questions about what we expect or if you need help with this process, don't hesitate to ask us.
Timing Routines: We're providing you with a set of timing routines for C/C++ and PC/UNIX. Check the web pages to get copies of these timers. All timers behave like a stopwatch and support Reset and Check operations: Reset sets the timer to 0. Check returns the number of seconds since the last call to Reset (as a double floating point value). The C++ versions are implemented as a timer class. The C versions simply support the calls directly. You should be able to figure out how to use the calls by looking through the header files.
General notes on performing timings on computers: Our timing routines report wall clock time: the actual time that passed between the point that you reset the timer and the point that you checked it. Wall clock time can be tricky on most computers, because the CPU may be shared between multiple programs or users running simultaneously. Therefore, when running on a PC, your timings will be most accurate when no other programs are actively using the CPU (to be safe you can shut down as many of them as possible). Here are some general guidelines for gathering experimental timings on computers:
Tip: You only need a single data file, and it can be something as simple as the integers from 1 to the largest problem size you plan on using. Creating such a file should be about a 12-line C++ program. You can then use this data file for any problem size since your program can just read the first n values and ignore the rest.
Turn-in: Follow the general Programming Assignment Guidelines for turning in your code. Please flag the following sections of your code with a marker: